What counts in a word count?

Word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc). The list of references, appendices and footnotes2 are NOT included in the word count unless it is clearly stated in the coursework instructions that the module is an exception to this rule.

How long does it take to say 900 words?

Answer: 900 words will take about 3 minutes to read for the average reader. Key insights from books in less than 15 minutes.

How many minutes is a speech?

Although pacing varies, a 5-minute speech is roughly 750 words. Publication coach Daphne Gray-Grant says that the average person speaks about 125-150 words per minute—meaning 5 minutes of talking would entail about 625-750 words. That’s about the typical length of a blog article!

How many words can you say in 20 seconds?

In 20 seconds, you can say 2-4 sentences.

How many words is 10 seconds?

WORD COUNT TIMINGSWORDSSECONDS23 words10 seconds35 words15 seconds70 words30 seconds140 words60 seconds3 •