What cream clears up impetigo?

If you have impetigo in only a small area of your skin, topical antibiotics are the preferred treatment. Options include mupirocin cream or ointment (Bactroban or Centany) and retapamulin ointment (Altabax).

Which topical cream is most appropriate to treat impetigo?

Topical antibiotics such as mupirocin (Bactroban) and fusidic acid (not available in the United States) are the preferred first-line therapy for impetigo involving limited body surface area.

Can you put cream on impetigo?

The common bacterial skin infection impetigo can be effectively treated with antiseptic cream without the need for antibiotics, according to latest draft guidelines.

What can I put on impetigo on my face?

Impetigo is treated with antibiotics that are either rubbed onto the sores (topical antibiotics) or taken by mouth (oral antibiotics). A doctor might recommend a topical ointment, such as mupirocin or retapamulin, for only a few sores. Oral antibiotics can be used when there are more sores.

Can you treat impetigo without antibiotics?

Impetigo is usually treated with topical or oral antibiotics. If you have multiple lesions or if there is an outbreak, your doctor might prescribe an oral antibiotic. There is no over-the-counter (OTC) treatment for impetigo.

Can you get rid of impetigo without antibiotics?

Untreated, impetigo often clears up on its own after a few days or weeks, Smith says. The key is to keep the infected area clean with soap and water and not to scratch it. The downside of not treating impetigo is that some people might develop more lesions that spread to other areas of their body.

Does Vaseline help impetigo?

Friedler recommends applying Vaseline, Bactroban (mupirocin), or Bacitracin to the bite or cut and then covering the area with a bandage to help promote healing. You also want to treat any underlying skin conditions — and quickly.

Does Tea Tree help impetigo?

Tea tree oil has been used to treat mouth ulcers and abscesses, conjunctivitis, acne, boils, impetigo, psoriasis, dandruff, vaginitis, thrush, septic wounds, cuts and abrasions, carbuncles, pus-filled infections, and ringworm.

What Cream can you put on impetigo?

A medication called fusidic acid, in the form of an antibiotic cream used for five days, is the usual treatment for a few small patches of impetigo on the skin. Another medication called mupirocin cream also used to be used for mild uncomplicated impetigo, but is now reserved for infections caused by the MRSA germ.

What is the best antibiotic cream for impetigo?

Topical antibiotics such as mupirocin (Bactroban) and fusidic acid (not available in the United States) are the preferred first-line therapy for impetigo involving limited body surface area.

Which medications are used in the treatment of impetigo?

Oral antibiotic therapy can be used for impetigo with large bullae or when topical therapy is impractical. Amoxicillin/clavulanate, dicloxacillin, cephalexin, clindamycin, doxycycline, minocycline,…

Does impetigo heal on its own?

Impetigo is seldom serious since most sores heal on its own with just a couple of weeks. Treatments will depend on which type of bacteria is causing the impetigo and in order to determine this, the physician will take a swab over the area that is affected and have it sent to the laboratory.