What did ww2 soldiers wear?

U.S. Army basic service uniforms consisted of a winter service uniform of olive drab wool worn in temperate weather, and a summer service uniform of khaki (a shade of tan) cotton fabric worn in tropical weather.

Do you keep your uniform after basic training?

You do not have to wear your uniform when off duty, unless you are in certain training environments. You should not wear your uniform when you are off duty, except for transportation home.

How long was basic training in World War II?

How long was the average basic training for a soldier during WWII?

Training Length
Basic and Individual Training 14 weeks
Small Unit Training 12 weeks
Combined Arms Training 12 weeks

What were the uniforms like in ww2?

The original WWII Army officer’s winter service uniform consisted of a dark olive-drab gabardine wool coat with a sewn-on cloth belt (greens) and light-shade drab trousers (pinks). The brim of the service cap and service shoes were Army russet brown.

What do you do with World war 2 uniforms?

As with disposal, you should remove any insignia and names when donating. One of the more convenient places to donate uniforms is at a thrift store. Though thousands of uniforms end up in thrift stores every year, it might be best to donate them to a military thrift store or one close to a base.

Can you post pictures in military uniform?

With the ease of social media, in any part of the globe at any time, a Soldier, Army civilian, or family member can post pictures from a deployment or talk about an Army mission.

Do soldiers get to keep their guns?

Weapons must be registered on base and either kept in the home or stored in the base armory. Generally, service members who live in military barracks are not allowed to keep weapons in their room at all.

How was training done in World War 2?

Camp personnel shaved the heads of the recruits and assigned them serial numbers. Platoons of recruits slept, ate, and learned together, and even did hours upon hours of physical fitness training as a unit. Following commands, they practiced the same basic skills over and over— marching, loading, unloading, and cleaning their weapons.

What happens after basic training in the Army?

Only after completion of basic training are recruits, in theory, advanced to instruction in the technical specialties of the particular Army arm or service to which they are assigned. In practice, however, it has not always been possible to follow the theory.

What was the German uniform in World War 2?

Except for the elite Panzer-Lehr-Division, which field-tested the new uniform in summer 1944 before its approval for general issue, the M44 was usually seen at the front only in the war’s last months and generally on the greenest of troops: new replacements, teenage Flakhelfer, and Hitlerjugend and Volkssturm militia.

What did enlisted men wear in World War 2?

Enlisted men wore the cap with a black leather chinstrap; officers wore a pair of braided silver or aluminum cords (gold for generals). NCOs were authorized to wear the Schirmmütze when the uniform of the day prescribed the field cap.