What do you say for years of service?

Sample Employee Appreciation Messages for Years of Service Awards

  • “We are so proud to have you as part of our work family.
  • “Congratulations on achieving this anniversary with us!
  • “Thank you for being such a valuable member of our team.
  • “Congratulations on your service anniversary today!

What do you say in a recognition speech?

10 steps to deliver a meaningful and inspiring recognition speech

  1. Prepare a 3-5 minute outline ahead of time.
  2. Welcome everyone.
  3. Announce the purpose of the ceremony.
  4. Frequently address the recipient by name.
  5. Explain the recipient’s background as it relates to the current achievement.

What do you say when you get a long service award?

Start with an expression of gratitude.

  1. The type of honor you’re receiving. To give thanks for an award or professional honor, say something like “I’m so honored to be here tonight, and grateful to be the recipient of this award.”
  2. The formality of the event.

What should I say to my employee anniversary?

25 work anniversary wishes,

  • Thank you for being an essential part of ______’s success.
  • Congratulations on your work anniversary.
  • Your contributions to the company are greatly appreciated.
  • Wishing you all the best in the years ahead.
  • Happy anniversary!
  • Thank you for your efforts and creativity.

How do you say thank you for 25 years of service?

12 Sample Employee Appreciation Messages for Years of Service Awards

  1. “We are so proud to have you as part of our work family.
  2. “Congratulations on achieving this anniversary with us!
  3. “Thank you for being such a valuable member of our team.
  4. “Congratulations on your service anniversary today!

How do you write the end of year speech?

Start with general information and then go into details. Do not overload your speech as people usually remember 3 to 5 key elements. Keep it short and to the point. You may thank the employees for their work, mention some results and achievements, name a few people to give them recognition.

How do you say thank you for years of service?

Sample appreciation messages appropriate for years of service awards

  1. “We are so proud to have you as part of our work family.
  2. “Congratulations on achieving this anniversary with us!
  3. “Thank you for being such a valuable member of our team.
  4. “Congratulations on your service anniversary today!

How do you say congratulations for 20 years of service?

“Congratulations on achieving 20 years of exemplary work service. We truly appreciate your dedicated service to the organization, and I am personally thankful for your example as a role model in your local community. Happy Anniversary!”

How do you write an anniversary message?


  1. “Wishing a perfect pair a perfectly happy day.”
  2. “Here’s to another year of being great together!”
  3. “Anniversary cheers!”
  4. “Happy [21st] anniversary, you old lovebirds!”
  5. “Hope you find time to look back on all your sweet memories together.”
  6. “Always knew you two had something special.”

What to say for years of Service Award?

Sample appreciation messages appropriate for years of service awards 1. “We are so proud to have you as part of our work family. We are confident that you will keep up the good work for many years to come!” 2. “Congratulations on achieving this anniversary with us!

How to give a twenty years of service speech?

Twenty years of service! I have never mentioned to anyone that I’ve been working here for such long time. I was sitting at my desk giving instructions to my new employees about this time last year. Now, I look around the room and realize that for about a decade, I was senior engineer in this department. It is a reflective moment.

When to write an employee years of service message?

It’s important to recognize employees on their service anniversaries and significant milestones. Many companies give years of service awards to their employees and write a message of appreciation to accompany the award.

What did employees get for years of service?

Companies typically administered these programs themselves or relied on a service award vendor. In the past, service awards for employees usually included certificates, plaques, and lapel pins to symbolise an employee’s years of service.