What does compress a file mean?

File compression is a data compression method in which the logical size of a file is reduced to save disk space for easier and faster transmission over a network or the Internet. It enables the creation of a version of one or more files with the same data at a size substantially smaller than the original file.

What is an example of compress?

An example of a compress is an ice wrap used to reduce swelling. Compress means to press together, or to make something more compact. An example of compress is pressing old cardboard boxes together so that they take up less space.

What is the meaning of compress in noun?

compress Add to list Share. The noun compress refers to a pad that’s held to your body to reduce pain or symptoms of illness. A washcloth dipped in cold water and pressed onto your forehead to help you cool down is a type of compress. As a verb, compress means to squeeze together with a fair amount of pressure.

What does compress mean in computer terms?

Compression is the method computers use to make files smaller by reducing the number of bits (1’s and 0’s) used to store the information. Once a file has been compressed using a lossy method, any bits that are lost cannot be recovered.

Does compressing a file save space?

File compression reduces the size of the file as much as 90%, without losing any of the primary data. Therefore, file compression helps the user save a considerable amount of disk space. File compression will create a version of one or more files with the same data that’s a lot smaller than the uncompressed file.

Are compressed files safe?

Your computer’s anti-virus program may not be able to scan a compressed file for viruses and other malware, resulting in your computer being exposed to files that may contain viruses, Trojans, spyware and other harmful programs. These types of programs can destroy your computer.

How is compression used in real life?

Sponge. A sponge is one of the best examples that demonstrate the existence of compression force in real life. When a push force is applied across both ends of the sponge, it tends to squeeze and the original size of the sponge gets reduced.

Why is it called a compress?

Origin of compress Middle English (frequentative of Latin comprimere to squeeze together (see com-, press1); (noun)

What is another name for compression?

What is another word for compression?

squeezing constriction
contraction condensation
compacting contracting
condensing squeeze
telescoping pressing

What is compression in networking?

Data compression is a reduction in the number of bits needed to represent data. Compressing data can save storage capacity, speed up file transfer, and decrease costs for storage hardware and network bandwidth.

Why do we need compression?

The main advantages of compression are reductions in storage hardware, data transmission time, and communication bandwidth. This can result in significant cost savings. Compressed files require significantly less storage capacity than uncompressed files, meaning a significant decrease in expenses for storage.

What are the disadvantages of compression?


  • Added complication.
  • Effect of errors in transmission.
  • Slower for sophisticated methods (but simple methods can be faster for writing to disk.)
  • “Unknown” byte / pixel relationship (+)
  • Need to decompress all previous data (+)