What does flaunting wealth mean?

Flaunt is defined as to go out of your way to display something, such as your wealth or your body, in a manner that is generally considered offensive, inappropriate or gaudy. An example of flaunt is when you buy lots and lots of obviously expensive cars and houses just to show off how much money you have.

What is another way to say wealth of knowledge?

You could also use the words “attained” and “considerable” ie: “attained considerable knowledge”.

What does it mean when someone says you are a wealth of information?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englisha wealth of somethinga wealth of somethinga lot of something useful or good There is a wealth of information available about pregnancy and birth.

What does it mean to flaunt yourself?

1 : to display or obtrude oneself to public notice a great flaunting crowd— Charles Dickens.

How do you use wealth of knowledge in a sentence?

There is a tremendous wealth of knowledge and expertise. He should share his wealth of knowledge with residents. Libraries have a wealth of knowledge about mutual funds. I realized I had a wealth of knowledge that started coming to the surface.

Do you agree with the statement a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention?

We are increasingly awash in information. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” Attention is the psychological tool we use to tune out irrelevant information so we can focus on what is important to us. …

What does flaunting the rules mean?

While flout means to ‘openly disregard a rule or convention’, as in: New recruits were growing their hair and flouting convention. It is a common error, recorded since around the 1940s, to use flaunt when flout is intended, as in: The young woman had been flaunting the rules and regulations.

Does flaunting mean show off?

Flaunt is “to display proudly or show off,” like when you flaunt your new Italian leather jacket by wearing it to the beach and pretending you’re cold to make sure everyone sees it.

Are there any synonyms for wealth of knowledge?

Synonyms for Wealth of knowledge. Synonyms for. Wealth of knowledge. Hold to adjust. body of knowledge. stock of knowledge. amount of knowledge. knowledge base. store of knowledge.

Is it bad to show off your wealth?

In one Asian land, for example, the “newly rich love luxury products​—imported French handbags, Italian sports cars—​and even more, they love to show off [their wealth],” says an article in The Washington Post. Of course, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the fruitage of one’s labor.

What happens if you flaunt your wealth in Mexico?

Likewise today, people who flaunt their wealth may risk losing it, or at least some of it. A report on crime and safety in Mexico stated: “Ostentatious displays of wealth are magnets for thieves in Mexico City.