What does it mean to plug away?

informal. : to continue doing something even though it is difficult or boring —often + at She kept plugging away at her homework.

Where does plugging away come from?

One of the figurative uses of “plug” appearing in the mid-19th century was “to plug away” at something, meaning to work very diligently, also found in the use of “plug” to mean a horse worn down by hard work.

What does plugging along mean?

plug along 1. To continue making progress (in some endeavor) at steady, consistent pace, especially in the face of difficulties, challenges, setbacks, etc. We’re still plugging along with the project, in spite of all the problems we’ve had with staff turnover.

What does plucking away mean?

to pull away, or to separate by pulling; to tear away.

What does hammering away mean?

past participle. hammered away at. DEFINITIONS2. (hammer away at someone/something) to keep attacking someone or something. Defence lawyers hammered away at the witness’s credibility.

What is a plug?

A plug is defined as the end piece of a cord for an electrical device with prongs that fit into a wall socket. The definition of a plug is something used to fill or stop a hole or gap. An example of a plug is a rubber sink stopper.

What does the plug emoji mean slang?

Definition: A plug or “the plug” is slang for someone who knows where to get drugs. A hookup can also be a person who sells drugs, or the act of exchanging drugs. for other desirable goods. More literally, this emoji is used for texting conversations revolving around electricity or household utilities.

What is the plug meaning?

The term “Plug” is an noun which was originated in the south and used to refer to a drug dealer. When someone calls themselves “The Plug” it means they sell or distribute drugs.

Is plucking hair bad?

Tips for tweezing hair safely. Tweezing isn’t all bad. “When done correctly, plucking removes the entire hair from the follicle, keeping it from growing back for up to 6 weeks. If you tweeze with skill in an area such as the eyebrows, it can give you more control than waxing,” Gonzalez says.

What does work like a Trojan mean?

to work very hard
Definition of work like a Trojan chiefly British, old-fashioned. : to work very hard.

What does dwell on something mean?

: to think or talk about (something) for a long time There is no need to dwell on the past. Don’t dwell upon your mistakes.