What does it mean when a kid says their heart hurts?

Probably the most common forms of chest pain in kids are related to some irritation in the chest wall or the musculoskeletal system. People will use the term growing pains and I think this usually represents costochondritis or inflammation of the joints between the ribs and the breastbone.

What does chest pain on the left side indicate?

Left-sided chest pain can be due to a heart attack or other life-threatening condition for which every minute matters. Call your local emergency services if you or someone near you has unexplained left-sided or center chest pain along with: feeling of pressure or tightening of the chest.

What are the symptoms of a heart attack in a child?

In young children, look for:

  • Passing out during physical exercise or activity.
  • Heart palpitations—a heartbeat that feels funny or fluttery to a child.
  • Shortness of breath while playing or being active.
  • Chest pain.

Can a child have angina?

Two cardiac causes of chest pain in children are due to inflammation around the heart “pericarditis” and coronary artery type chest pain or angina pectoris. The latter is usually the biggest concern of parents and patients alike though rarely occurs in children and adolescents.

Can kids get heart attacks?

So, yes, kids and teens can get heart disease and have heart attacks, although it’s very rare and often a result of congenital heart defects.

Is left side chest pain normal?

A person should never ignore chest pain. If a person is experiencing chest pain on the left side of their body, this could indicate a heart attack or other medical conditions, such as a lung problem or inflammation of the lining around a person’s heart.

What is the most frequent cause of chest pain in children?

Some of the most common causes of chest pain in children include: Acid reflux (heartburn) Anxiety. Asthma.

What should I do if my child has chest pain?

If your child has chest pain that doesn’t go away, call your doctor or go to a hospital emergency room. Chest pain rarely is serious in kids. But sometimes it can be the sign of an emergency that needs medical care right away.

What kind of chest pain does a child have?

Children may experience a “typical” crushing mid-sternal chest pain that radiates to the neck and chin or to the left shoulder and arm. More likely, children will have less specific complaints. Troubled breathing and sweating may also occur.

What causes sharp pain on left side of chest?

Texidor’s twinge (also called precordial catch syndrome) is also a common cause of childhood chest pain. (It’s named for one of the physicians who first identified it in 1955.) Fortunately, the most harm it does is cause worry. Dr. Zahka describes it as: Sudden, sharp and intense pain. Usually on the left side of the chest.

Why does my child have a burning sensation in his chest?

Your child’s chest pain may be caused by gastrointestinal distress, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD can cause a burning sensation in the chest and may worsen after your child eats a large meal or lies down for rest. Your child may need to modify their diet or take medication to reduce GERD symptoms like chest pain.

Can a child have chest pain with scoliosis?

Scoliosis bends the spine curvature outward to one side or the other and can cause compression on your child’s spinal cord and other nerves. It can also distort the proper size of the chest cavity. This can feel like chest pain. Your child will need treatment for scoliosis because it can inhibit their movements and lead to other health conditions.