What does it mean when someone says they are at breaking point?

1 : the point at which a person gives way under stress. 2 : the point at which a situation becomes critical. 3 : the point at which something loses force or validity stretch the rules to the breaking point.

What does it mean when you break something?

break Add to list Share. When you break something, you ruin it. When you take a break, you stop and rest. If you play catch during your lunch break, try not to break any windows. The verb break means to fracture or crack or destroy something while the noun refers to an interruption or a little time off.

What does contraband mean in the Bible?

prohibited or excluded by law or treaty; forbidden; as, contraband goods, or trade. Etymology: [It. contrabando; contra + bando ban, proclamation: cf.

What does 42 mean in the meaning of life?

What does 42 mean? 42 is the answer to the “ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything,” a joke in Douglas Adams’s 1979 novel, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

What does it mean when a spiritual statue breaks?

If one breaks a statue, or lames it, or damages it in a dream, it means that he will vanquish his enemy and earn rank and fame. One is independent, able to function on one’s own.

What is the legal definition of breaking and entering?

Legal Definition of breaking and entering : the act of gaining passage into and entering another’s property (as a building or vehicle) without privilege or by force also : the crime of breaking and entering — see also burglary

What are the elements of breaking and entering?

Breaking and entering is a specific type of property crime. It involves the following elements of proof: The unauthorized entry. Into a residence or building. Using force, deceit, or property damage.

Is it breaking and entering if you live on your own property?

Simply put, no, it is not breaking and entering if you live in or on the property. If it is the defendant’s own house or property, it cannot be defined as breaking and entering. As previously mentioned, the crime is generally defined as entering someone else’s property without their consent.

How is breaking and entering related to burglary?

The phrase “breaking and entering” used to go hand in hand with burglary. If someone attempted to enter a building without permission, and with the intention of committing a crime, he could be charged with burglary, and breaking and entering was an element of the crime.