What does Lavinia symbolize in Titus Andronicus?

Understand every line of Titus Andronicus. Read our modern English translation. The daughter of Titus, Lavinia is notably passive in the play. Lavinia is eventually killed by Titus, because she has lost her honor, emphasizing how much her own father values her only as a symbol of chastity and traditional female virtue.

Who is Lavinia in Titus Andronicus?

Lavinia. The only daughter of Titus Andronicus, she spurns Saturninus’s offer to make her his empress because she is in love with Bassianus. She is brutally raped and disfigured by Chiron and Demetrius in the forest during the hunt.

Was Lavinia a virgin?

In the case of Lavinia, her virginity is contingent to her value as a changing piece. Though Lavinia is no longer a virgin at this point in the play, she is still chaste. The attack not only strips her of her social dignity as a noble woman, but of her chastity as well.

How many lines does Lavinia have Titus Andronicus?

Speeches (Lines) for Lavinia in “Titus Andronicus” Total: 15

Speeches (Lines) for Lavinia in “Titus Andronicus” Total: 15 print/save view OPTIONS: Hide cue speeches • Show full speeches (no cues) • Show truncated speeches (no cues)
# Act, Scene, Line (Click to see in context)
3 II,2,716
4 II,3,801
5 II,3,815

How is Lavinia described?

Lavinia is Ezra’s wooden, stiff-shouldered, flat-chested, thin, and angular daughter. She is garbed in the black of mourning. Her militaristic bearing, a mark of her identification with her father, symbolizes her role as a functionary of the Mannon clan or, to use Christine’s terms, as their sentry.

What does Lavinia represent?

Early in the play, Bassianus refers to Lavinia as “Rome’s ornament,” which tells us that Lavinia is valued for her beauty and graciousness and that she’s viewed by those around her as an object.

What do Chiron and Demetrius do to Lavinia?

Demetrius and Chiron are Tamora’s wicked sons. They kill Bassianus and then viciously rape and mutilate Lavinia in the woods after Aaron and Tamora encourage them to do so.

What is Tamora’s role in Titus Andronicus?

Tamora is the Queen of the Goths turned Roman Empress. After Titus ritually sacrifices her eldest son, Tamora makes it her mission in life to make Titus and his family suffer. She accomplishes this through her good looks, sensuality, and ability to manipulate those around her.

What is the significance of Tamora’s role as a woman of power in Titus Andronicus?

Tamora, former queen of the Goths and newly crowned Empress of Rome of William Shakespeare’s early tragedy Titus Andronicus, acts strongly and her domineering and controlling personality gave her the ability to manipulate the other characters of the play.

Why is Lavinia raped in Titus Andronicus?

Lavinia is raped by Demetrius and Chiron, Tamora’s sons, as a way for Tamora to get back at Titus for the murder of Alarbus, the Queen’s eldest son. Tamora had begged for his life, but Titus had allowed his own sons to kill Alarbus as a sacrifice for the sons that he himself had lost in the war (15).

How does Lavinia reveal the truth about what happened to her?

4.1: By pointing to one of her nephew’s story books (the story of Philomel in Ovid’s Metamorphoses), Lavinia reveals that she has been raped. 4.1: Lavinia holds a staff (a stick or cane) in her mouth and spells out the names of the rapists, Demetrius and Chiron.

What does Lavinia use to tell everyone she was raped?

Philomel eventually identifies her attacker by stitching his name on a sampler. While Lavinia can’t use her hands to stitch the names of Chiron and Demetrius, she does find a kind of voice when she uses her stumps to flip through the pages of Ovid’s story, signaling to her family that, like Philomel, she was raped.
