What does mean dishonored?

1 : lack or loss of honor or reputation. 2 : the state of one who has lost honor or prestige : shame has brought dishonor on his family. 3 : a cause of disgrace.

Which is correct dishonor or Dishonour?

Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense dishonours , present participle dishonouring , past tense, past participle dishonoured regional note: in AM, use dishonor. 1. verb. If you dishonour someone, you behave in a way that damages their good reputation.

What does no dishonor mean?

somewhat formal. : it is not unworthy of respect to be (doing something) There’s no dishonor in doing manual labor.

What does it mean to dishonor yourself?

Dishonor is a state of shame and disgrace. If you dishonor something, you’ve brought shame to it. Athletes who cheat during a game have dishonored themselves and their teams. You can also say a shameful act brings dishonor. When a politician is involved in a scandal, it brings dishonor to his or her reputation.

What does degrading someone mean?

to lower in character or quality; debase. to reduce (someone) to a lower rank, degree, etc.; deprive of office, rank, status, or title, especially as a punishment: degraded from director to assistant director. to reduce in amount, strength, intensity, etc.

What causes Dishonour?

Why are cheques dishonoured by bank? Cheques are dishonoured by the bank if there are insufficient funds, a signature mismatch, overwriting or a stale date.

What does dishonoring your parents mean?

It is pronouncing condemnation and wishing some sort of evil would harm or destroy them (Ex. 21:15, 17; Lev. 20:9; Prov. 20:20; 30:11). To strike, hit, abuse, or be cruel to parents is dishonoring.

What is discredit?

transitive verb. 1 : to refuse to accept as true or accurate : disbelieve discredit a rumor. 2 : to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of trying to discredit the claims of a rival a discredited theory. 3 : to deprive of good repute : disgrace personal attacks meant to discredit his opponent.

What does Degregate mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to lower in grade, rank, or status : demote. b : to strip of rank or honors. c : to lower to an inferior or less effective level degrade the image quality.

What will happen if a cheque gets dishonored?

According to Section 138 of the Act, the dishonour of cheque is a criminal offence and is punishable by imprisonment up to two years or with monetary penalty or with both. The payee has to sent the notice to the drawer with 30 days from the date of receiving “Cheque Return Memo” from the bank.