What does Muley Graves represent?

Muley Graves’ name and actions accurately portray Steinbeck’s idea of a man resistant to change and fearful of new challenges. The name of this character has a distinct significance. The first name Muley can be related to mule, and then linked to the saying “stubborn as a mule”.

Who is Muley in Grapes of Wrath?

Muley is a friend of the Joad family. Like the Joads, Muley’s family was forced to leave their house and their land. While his wife and children chose to head west to California, Muley is too proud to follow them.

Why is Muley important?

Muley plays an important part in helping Tom reconnect with his family and helping Tom understand what has happened since he’s been gone.

What does Muley mean when he talks about being touched?

As they roast the rabbits, Muley wonders if they think he is “touched” because of the way he lives. Muley explains that he has a strong bond with the land because of the personal things that have happened on it, such as the birth of his son.

What is the deal with Muley Graves?

A neighbor of the Joads in Oklahoma, Muley Graves compulsively refuses to leave his land despite having been evicted. He hides on his former land, sleeping wherever he can, hunting for food, and remembering his own and his family’s personal history with the land.

Why does Muley Graves stay?

Muley Graves One of the Joads’ Oklahoma neighbors. When the bank evicts his family, Muley refuses to leave his land. Instead, he lets his wife and children move to California without him and stays behind to live outdoors.

What is the importance of Muley in the story What is the difference between being the hunter and being the hunted?

Muley says that he used to be a hunter. Being a hunter means that you’re strong. When you become hunted, however, you lose that strength. He says that you might be fierce but that isn’t the same thing as being strong.

What factors caused Muley to be touched?

The factors that made Muley Graves be touched or half-mad were, first, the land that has been meaningful for him and his family was sold to the Shawnee Land and Cattle Company and second was they had to leave their home.

What do Ma’s anxieties about California reveal about her?

What do Ma’s anxieties about California reveal about her? She is not stupid or naive; since going West seems to be the only thing to do, she adopts Tom’s philosophy by taking one day at a time.