What does pidgeon holed mean?

verb (used with object), pi·geon·holed, pi·geon·hol·ing. to assign to a definite place or to definite places in some orderly system: to pigeonhole new ideas. to lay aside for use or reference at some later, indefinite time: We must pigeonhole this excellent plan until the time is ripe.

Why is it called pigeon hole principle?

Suppose that a flock of 20 pigeons flies into a set of 19 pigeonholes to roost. This illustrates a general principle called the pigeonhole principle, which states that if there are more pigeons than pigeonholes, then there must be at least one pigeonhole with at least two pigeons in it.

What is a pigeon box?

1. countable noun. A pigeonhole is one of the sections in a frame on a wall where letters and messages can be left for someone, or one of the sections in a writing desk where you can keep documents.

What is a pigeonhole used for?

one of a series of small, open compartments, as in a desk, cabinet, or the like, used for filing or sorting papers, letters, etc. a hole or recess, or one of a series of recesses, for pigeons to nest in. Also called pigeon hole, white hole.

How do you not get pigeonholed at work?

How to break out of your pigeonhole

  1. Make a plan. Schedule a time and sit down with your manager to communicate your ambitions, skillset and career vision, and work out a plan with them to seek out new opportunities.
  2. Reach beyond your role.
  3. Keep an eye out.
  4. Sharpen your skills.
  5. Start your own project.
  6. Get to know people.

How important is pigeonhole principle?

The pigeonhole principle states that if more than n pigeons are placed into n pigeonholes, some pigeonhole must contain more than one pigeon. While the principle is evident, its implications are astounding. The reason is that the principle proves the existence (or impossibility) of a particular phenomenon.

How do you prove pigeonhole principle?

(The Pigeonhole Principle, simple version.) If k+1 or more pigeons are distributed among k pigeonholes, then at least one pigeonhole contains two or more pigeons. Proof. The contrapositive of the statement is: If each pigeonhole contains at most one pigeon, then there are at most k pigeons.

What is a narrowboat pigeon box?

A ‘pigeon box’ is a small raised box on the cabin roof with an opening pitched roof, often incorporating small brass portholes, used for ventilation and letting light into the engine room on a motor boat.

Do wood pigeons build nests?

Woodpigeon nests are not elaborate constructions but instead consist of a simple platform constructed from sticks. Such platforms are easy to spot during the winter months, when the bushes and shrubs used are free from leaves.

How does a pigeon hole work?

Once you select a book, go to the book page and click ‘Join’. The Pigeonhole is the book club in your pocket! We work with publishers to bring you fantastic new titles so that you can read along with our community.

What is pigeon hole at work?

Have you ever experienced the ‘career pigeonhole’? If you’ve never heard of the term used in the context of your professional endeavors, it means that you find yourself performing the exact same tasks day in and day out.

How does a pigeon hole mail box work?

Boxes are grouped in postcode areas with identification tabs usually fixed onto the top-left hand corner of the box allowing for easy entry and retrieval of items. Pigeon hole mail boxes can be mounted upon caster feet allowing for rearrangement of boxes to meet current processing demands.

How are pigeon holes used in the UK?

Pigeon hole mail boxes are used by postal offices in the United Kingdom, as they allow for easy categorising of mail for later preparation of items ready for despatch. Boxes are grouped in postcode areas with identification tabs usually fixed onto the top-left hand corner of the box allowing for easy entry and retrieval of items.

What did pigeons do in the medieval times?

In medieval times pigeons were kept as domestic birds, not for racing but for their meat. Pigeon holes were the openings set in a wall or a purpose-built pigeon cote in which the birds nested.