What does Thsis mean?

One definition of thesis is that it is the most important or foundational idea of an argument, presentation, or piece of writing. But it can also mean a large work of art, criticism, or scientific research that represents original research and is generally the final requirement for an academic degree.

What is an example of position?

Position is how a person or thing is placed or an opinion or where a person or thing is located in relation to others. An example of position is sitting. An example of position is to be against the death penalty. An example of position is a cup between two other cups on a table.

What’s another word for situation?

In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for situation, like: condition, state of one’s affairs, predicamental, circumstance, sphere, state, job, status, location, place and locus.

What is the word situation?

noun. manner of being situated; location or position with reference to environment: The situation of the house allowed for a beautiful view. a place or locality. condition; case; plight: He is in a desperate situation. the state of affairs; combination of circumstances: The present international situation is dangerous.

What is another word for bad situation?

What is another word for bad situation?quagmirepredicamentticklish situationproblematic situationhard timessad statecritical situationhell on earthtrain wreckcrux144

What is the meaning of difficult situation?

in a situation that you cannot deal with because it is too difficult or dangerous.

How do you express a bad situation?

RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR UNPLEASANT SITUATIONbad trip.bum trip.bummer.depressing experience.disaster.downer.drag.raw deal.

What is the most difficult situation you’ve faced answer?

Interview Q&A: Describe Some Of The Toughest Situations You’ve Faced In This JobBe positive. Be honest. Give examples. Be encouraging. Do not read too much into the question. Don’t focus too much on the negative part of this question. Do not avoid answering the question. Avoid rushing.

What does quagmire mean?

an area of miry or boggy ground whose surface yields under the tread; a bog. a situation from which extrication is very difficult: a quagmire of financial indebtedness. anything soft or flabby.

What does Giggity Giggity mean?

Noun. giggity-giggity (uncountable) (slang) sexual intercourse quotations ▼

What is a legal quagmire?

: a situation that is hard to deal with or get out of : a situation that is full of problems — usually singular. The trial became a legal quagmire.

What is a quagmire black mirror?

The two of them just quietly gaze at each other as the clock turns to midnight, and the screen goes black until once again it’s “One week later.” The town’s dark, anything-goes club, where denizens with rougher tastes wind up, is called the Quagmire — the word for a murky, difficult to get out of situation.

Why is San Junipero so popular?

The biggest reason I love San Junipero is due to the excellent pace of the episode. I spent the whole beginning of the episode wondering what kind of technology was at work and what the whole mystery of the city was. It kept me fully engaged while the groundwork of Kelly and Yorke’s relationship was laid out.

Why is San Junipero so good?

Black Mirror’s ‘San Junipero’ Is Great Television Because Of Its Optimism. Charlie Brooker’s body of work is defined by its pessimism. The episode, from the third season of Black Mirror, follows two women as they fall in love in a virtual reality simulation of the 1980s. Kelly is bold, with a magnetic personality.