What exercises can I do after wrist surgery?

Wrist extensor stretch

  • Extend the arm with the affected wrist in front of you and point your fingers toward the floor.
  • With your other hand, gently bend your wrist farther until you feel a mild to moderate stretch in your forearm.
  • Hold the stretch for at least 15 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat 2 to 4 times.

What can you do after a Colles fracture?

A Colles’ fracture typically requires surgery to reduce, and you may have a long period of immobilization in a cast or splint after the injury. Physical therapy for a Colles’ fracture involves improving wrist and arm range of motion and strength in order to maximize functional mobility in your arm.

When should I start physio after wrist surgery?

In most cases, physical therapy needs to wait until your cast is removed—typically around the six-week mark. If the healing process is going well, your physical therapist may introduce more aggressive therapeutic exercises.

When should I start strengthening after a distal radius fracture?

You will start these exercises 5-7 days after surgery, at your first hand therapy visit. Do the wrist/forearm/thumb exercises 3x/day out of your splint. The finger exercises can be done in the splint, every 2 hours.

Is physical therapy necessary after broken wrist?

Distal radius fractures—as these injuries are called—are often serious and may require surgery, but regardless of what treatment is needed, physical therapy will be essential to ensure that you have a complete recovery.

How soon can I exercise after wrist surgery?

You will begin these exercises approximately 4 weeks after surgery, once the doctor has examined your x- ray and cleared you for strengthening and passive stretching exercises. Using heat for 10-15 min before exercising, at least once per day, will help you regain more motion with less pain.

How long does it take for a Colles fracture to heal?

A Colles’ wrist fracture can take a year or more to fully heal. Your cast will typically be removed about six weeks after surgery in a child, but relatively soon after surgery in an adult to mobilize the joint. You should be able to do light activities about a month or two after your cast is removed.

Can I play tennis after a Colles fracture?

Dr. James Chen answered. After it heals: If a colles fracture has healed in adequate alignment, a patient can expect to return to full function including playing tennis.

Where does a Colles fracture happen?

A Colles’ wrist fracture occurs when the radius bone in your forearm breaks . It’s also known as a distal radius fracture, transverse wrist fracture, or a dinner-fork deformity of the wrist. It’s named after Abraham Colles, who wrote a paper on this type of fracture in 1814. Your radius is the larger of the two main bones in your forearm.

What are the best exercises for a broken wrist?

Although many back exercises require the use of dumbbells and weights, you can do bodyweight exercises that can be done with a broken wrist. Do bridges by laying on the floor on your back with your arms resting next to your body. Keep your feet flat on the floor and knees bent.

What exactly is a distal radius or Colles’ fracture?

A Colles fracture is a type of distal radius break and occurs when the broken piece of bone points upwards. It was first described by the Irish surgeon and anatomist Abraham Colles in 1814 and named after him. Colles fracture describes a broken wrist.