What factors contribute to workplace violence?

Who Cause Workplace Violence

  • known history or violent past behavior.
  • changes in personal situations such as confrontational divorces or caustic relationships.
  • extreme financial hardships.
  • health problems.
  • individuals who become mentally deranged.
  • bitter matrimonial disputes.
  • knowing the type of community you work in.

What should be included in a workplace violence policy?

Ensure that employees who report or experience workplace violence will not experience retaliation of any kind. Encourage employees to promptly report incidents and suggest ways to reduce or eliminate risks. Conduct and/or provide training and education to employees regarding potential workplace violence incidents.

What are the 7 elements of a workplace violence prevention program?

The building blocks for developing an effective workplace violence prevention program include: (1) Management commitment and employee participation, (2) Worksite analysis, (3) Hazard prevention and control, (4) Safety and health training, and (5) Recordkeeping and program evaluation.

What are the 4 types of workplace violence?

Types of Workplace Violence

  • Type 1: Criminal Intent.
  • Type 2: Customer/Client.
  • Type 3: Worker-on-Worker.
  • Type 4: Personal Relationship.

What is the most common cause of workplace violence?

The primary causes of workplace violence, often facilitated by employer negligence, include bullying and occupational stress, which may lead to a psychological condition, similar to PTSD, called PTED.

What should you be prepared to do if workplace violence occurs OSHA?

If workplace violence does occur, employers should remain calm, take control and set an example for their employees. Don’t escalate a situation by arguing with the assailant, and don’t try to be a hero. Always involve law enforcement when necessary.

What are the preventive strategies for workplace violence?

Updated: 6/17/2020

  • Complete background checks on new employees.
  • Create a policy that prevents harassment.
  • Create an effective line of communication.
  • Training and awareness are key factors in workplace violence prevention.
  • Establish a strict anti-violence policy.
  • Encourage your employees to accept individual differences.

What should you do in the event of workplace violence?

The supervisor should follow these procedures:

  • Call for assistance in assessing/responding, if needed.
  • Avoid an audience when dealing with the employee.
  • Remain calm, speaking slowly, softly, and clearly.
  • Ask the employee to sit down; see if s/he is able to follow directions.

What should you be prepared to do if workplace violence occurs select the 2 answer options that apply?

Tackle the offender. Endure the situation. Manage the situation. Come to a victim’s defense.

What is the DOL policy on workplace violence?

The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) policy and position on workplace violence are clear. It is our policy to promote a safe environment for our employees and the visiting public, and to work with our employees to maintain a work environment that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior.

What are the different types of workplace violence?

Violence against employees occurs in a variety of circumstances and situations including: robberies and other crimes, actions by frustrated or dissatisfied clients and customers, acts perpetrated by disgruntled co-workers or former co-workers, and domestic incidents that spill over into the workplace.

Why do we need a workplace violence program?

It is intended to make employees, including supervisors and managers, aware of the potential for violence in the workplace, to increase their abilities to recognize early warning signs of potentially violent situations, and to understand how to respond to actual or potential incidents.

Are there any theories about causes of workplace violence?

There are many theories about the causes of workplace violence. However, caution should be taken when profiling or stereotyping individuals or organizations since the presence of any of the factors related to these theories does not necessarily indicate a violent act will be carried out.