What factors lead to shift of PPC?

The factors leading to shifts in the PPC include:

  • Changes in technology: If there are positive technological changes then PPC curve shifts outwards.
  • Changes in resources: If there is increase in resources then PPC curve shifts outwards and if there is decrease in resources the PPC curve shifts inwards.

What could cause a production possibilities curve to move down and to the left?

What would cause a production possibilities curve to move down and to the left? When increases production of an item, the cost of producing the opportunity cost goes up. How does technology affect a nation’s production curve? curve shifts to the right because of more skilled workers, thus increasing production.

Which factor lead to a shift of PPC towards right hand side?

1. There is an increase in the resources used in production such as coal, oil, etc . 2. The economy sees an increase in technological developments leading to better production.

Why is PPC downward sloping from left to right?

PPC curve is downward sloping from left to right. This is because the production of every additional unit of one good, more and more units of other goods has to be sacrificed.

What change could cause the PPC to shift from the original curve to the new curve?

8. What change could cause the PPC to shift from the original curve (HJ) to the new curve (MN)? There are several possible reasons for this economic growth, including new technology, discovery of new resources, improved education.

How does trade shift the PPC?

Basically, trade is as effective as discovering new resources or having an improvement in production techniques, which all cause an extension in the PPC. This is very desirable for and economy and raises the standard of living of the population.

What factors can shift the PPF outward?

Outward or inward shifts in the PPF can be driven by changes in the total amount of available production factors or by advancements in technology. If the total amount of production factors like labor or capital increases, then the economy is able to produce more goods at any point along the frontier.

How can trade affect the movement of PPC?

What does a rightward shift of PPC indicate?

The rightward shift of PPC indicates growth of resources or technological progress.

Why is the PPC curve concave?

Production Possibility Curve (PPC) is concave to the origin because of the increasing opportunity cost. As we move down along the PPC, to produce each additional unit of one good, more and more units of other good need to be sacrificed. And this causes the concave shape of PPC.

Why is the PPC concave or bowed out from the origin?

The curve bows outwards because of the Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost, which states that the amount of a good which has to be sacrificed for each additional unit of another good is more than was sacrificed for the previous unit.

What causes shifts in the PPF?

Outward or inward shifts in the PPF can be driven by changes in the total amount of available production factors or by advancements in technology. Conversely, during times of high unemployment and limited money supply, the frontier will retreat inwards and the total amount of goods that can be produced will decrease.

What causes PPC to shift outward or inward?

What causes PPC to shift inward? Outward or inward shifts in the PPF can be driven by changes in the total amount of available production factors or by advancements in technology. If the total amount of production factors like labor or capital increases, then the economy is able to produce more goods at any point along the frontier.

What happens when the PPF curve shifts to the left?

Shifts in the PPF Curve. If the economy were to shrink, then, of course, the curve would shift to the left. When the curve shifts outward, or to the right, that means output is increasing. When the curve shifts inward, or to the left, that means output is decreasing.

What causes a shift in the production possibilities curve?

Shifts in the production possibilities curve are caused by things that change the output of an economy, including advances in technology, changes in resources, more education or training (that’s what we call human capital) and changes in the labor force. What will shift the PPC out and in?

Why is the PPC a downward sloping curve?

The downward sloping nature of the PPC is due to the law of increasing opportunity cost. According to this law, with the fuller utilisation of the given resources, in order to produce an additional unit of one good, some of the resources are to be withdrawn from the production of another good.