What happens if you keep laying down with Napstablook?

However, the protagonist cannot eat the sandwich because it phases through them. After this, Napstablook suggests that they lie on the floor and “feel like garbage” together. If the protagonist lies down for 20 seconds, the music becomes calmer and the background changes to a space scene.

How do you get into Napstablook’s house?

The house next to Napstablook’s house, which is unlocked using the Mystery Key. This key can be bought from Bratty and Catty for 600G. Inside is an entirely pink interior, with completely pink and sparkly accessories.

How do I beat Napstablook pacifist?

You need to Cheer him three times before you can Spare him. He has two attacks; the tears that fall down can be avoided by staying low to give you time to dodge, and the spiralling tears are best dodged by staying near the middle of the box.

What does the dog residue do in Undertale?

Keeping a single Dog Residue ensures a farmable source of GOLD, as Dog Residue copies as well as Dog Salads can be repeatedly sold to the Tem Shop in Temmie Village.

What is Mettaton’s real name?

Hey, where are you getting that Mettaton’s real name is Hapstablook from?

Does eating Vegetoid ruin pacifist?

In the demo, Vegetoid would be eaten whole and considered killed, giving the protagonist EXP, and the dinner option is not present. Because of this, the only ways to do a successful Pacifist Run in the demo would be to flee from Vegetoid or spare it at low HP.

Can Toriel destroy the exit?

As she goes toward the exit of the Ruins, she explains that she plans to destroy the exit to prevent the protagonist from leaving, as all other humans who left had been killed. She can be killed or spared; if spared, Toriel lets the protagonist go, but tells them not to come back.

Is snail racing real?

This species is native to Europe, but has been accidentally introduced to many countries all over the world. There are numerous snail racing events that take place in different places around the world, though the majority take place in the United Kingdom.

How do you beat the piano puzzle in Undertale?

The Piano Puzzle From there, “Memory” plays, and the player must play the first eight notes of the song on the piano. The solution to this puzzle is “Neutral [•], Up [↑], Right [→], Neutral [•], Down [↓], (Neutral [•],) Down [↓], and Right [→].”