What happens when the retina is damaged?

Damage to the retina often leads to vision loss. Medical experts explain that when the retina is injured through disease or an accident, blood vessels are affected. The veins carry neurons between the optic nerve and the brain. When they are damaged, neurons die, and the brain doesn’t receive visual information.

Does retinal damage heal?

Yes, in many cases an eye doctor can repair a damaged retina. While a patient may not experience completely restored vision, retinal repair can prevent further vision loss and stabilize vision. It’s important that patients get treatment for their damaged retinas as soon as possible.

Is retinal damage curable?

In many cases, damage that has already occurred can’t be reversed, making early detection important. Your doctor will work with you to determine the best treatment. Treatment of retinal disease may be complex and sometimes urgent.

How do I know if my retina is damaged?

If the damage is near the macula, one could notice various visual effects such as general poor vision, distortion of images such as straight lines appearing wavy, blurry spots in one’s central vision, and/or vision with images appearing and disappearing. Typical symptoms of a damaged retina include: Dim central vision.

Is retinal damage permanent?

If retinal damage is not treated properly and in a timely manner, permanent vision loss may occur. If you experience any symptoms of a damaged retina, contact Associated Retina Consultants at 602-242-4928 or website right away.

How do you fix a damaged retina?

To repair the damaged retina, your ophthalmologist (Eye M.D.) removes some of your eye’s vitreous (the gel-like substance that fills the inside of your eye) and injects a gas bubble into your eye to take its place. This bubble holds the retina in place as it reattaches to the back of your eye.

What are the symptoms of a damaged retina?

The main signs of retinal damage to look out for are visual disturbances, such as blurriness or decreased vision in the center, color distortion, afterimages, blindspots, and vision loss. The primary signs of retinal damage are visual disturbances, and they aren’t always associated with pain, the experts say.

Can damaged retinas be replaced?

Yes, in many cases an eye doctor can repair a damaged retina. While a patient may not experience completely restored vision, retinal repair can prevent further vision loss and stabilize vision. It’s important that patients get treatment for their damaged retinas as soon as possible.

What are some problems with the retina?

A retinal disorder or disease affects this very important tissue, which, in turn, can affect vision to the point of blindness. Common retinal conditions include floaters, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, retinal detachment, and retinitis pigmentosa. There are other issues that can occur,…