What is 10 to the 9th power called?

Powers of 10
101=10 101=1
108=100,000,000 (one hundred million) 10-7=0.0000001 (one ten millionth)
109=1,000,000,000 (one billion) 10-8=0.00000001 (one hundred millionth)
1010=10,000,000,000 (ten billion) 10-9=0.000000001 (one billionth)

What does the symbol 10-9 mean?

Table 5. SI prefixes

Factor Name Symbol
10-6 micro µ
10-9 nano n
10-12 pico p
10-15 femto f

What is the unit for 10-9?

List of SI prefixes

Prefix Base 10
Name Symbol
nano n 10−9
pico p 10−12
femto f 10−15

What is the value for micro?


Prefix Analog value Digital value
n (nano) 10-9
µ (micro) 10-6
m (milli) 10-3
k (kilo) 103 (1000) 210 (1024)

How is 10 to the power 9?

Answer: 10 to the power of 9 can be expressed as 109 = 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = 1,000,000,000.

What prefix means 1000?


Whole Units Decimal Units
thousands hundreds thousandths
1000 100 0.001
kilo- hecto- milli

How much is a Hecto?

Hecto (symbol: h) is a decimal unit prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of one hundred.

What is micro and nano?

Micro and nano technologies include a wide range of advanced techniques used to fabricate and study artificial systems with dimensions ranging from several micrometers (one micrometer is one millionth of a meter) to a few nanometers (one nanometer is one billionth of a meter).

What does 10 / 9C mean in TV show?

Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific. The 10/9c means that the show comes on at 10 in the Eastern time zone, and 9 in the central time zone. Obviously you have to confirm whether it will air in morning or at night. For reference: Central time zone: Chicago, St. Louis, Dallas, etc. Eastern time zone: New York, Miami, Cleveland, etc.

What does police code 10-9 stand for?

What does police code 10-9 mean? Police code 10-9 means Repeat last message.

What is the prefix for the power of 10?

Prefix Multiple Symbol giga 10 9 G mega 10 6 M kilo 10 3 k hecto 10 2 h

What does 10 / 9C in Eastern Time Zone mean?

The 10/9c means that the show comes on at 10 in the Eastern time zone, and 9 in the central time zone.