What is a diagnostic arthroscopy?

A diagnostic knee arthroscopy is a procedure to look inside your knee joint. An arthroscope is a flexible tube with a light and camera on the end. Diagnostic arthroscopy is usually done to check for disease or damage inside your knee.

How long is recovery from shoulder arthroscopy?

Most people need 6 weeks or longer to recover. How much time you need depends on the surgery that was done. You may have to limit your activity until your shoulder strength and range of motion are back to normal. You may also be in a rehabilitation program (rehab).

Is shoulder arthroscopy major surgery?

Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint has been a major advancement in surgical technique. This procedure allows less cutting of intact tissue to perform repairs, allowing for faster recovery times than with open surgery.

Does arthroscopic shoulder surgery hurt?

Shoulder arthroscopy produces little pain and its efficacy in terms of pain is long-lasting. Even if the surgical and anesthetic techniques provide good pain control the day of surgery, a pain bounce appears on D1 that must be taken into account, notably in an outpatient setting.

Is arthroscopy a major surgery?

Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure doctors use to look at, diagnose, and treat problems inside a joint. It’s a minor surgery and is done on an outpatient basis, which means you can go home the same day.

How Long Does arthroscopic surgery take?

An arthroscopy usually takes 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the type of procedure carried out. You’ll be able to go home on the same day as the surgery or the following morning.

How long do you wear a sling after arthroscopic shoulder surgery?

Your arm will also be in a sling for at least 1 week and maybe as long as 6 weeks. You may take the sling off when you dress or wash and during rehabilitation (rehab). If the sutures are not the type that dissolve, your doctor will take them out 7 to 10 days after your surgery.