What is a possible complication of positive pressure ventilation?

Barotrauma — Pulmonary barotrauma is a well-known complication of positive pressure ventilation. Consequences include pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum, and pneumoperitoneum.

Which complication is the patient at risk for when on positive pressure mechanical ventilation?

Ventilator-associated pneumonia. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a life-threatening complication with mortality rates of 33-50%. It is reported to occur in 8-28% of patients given mechanical ventilation.

What does positive pressure ventilation cause?

With positive pressure ventilation, the intrathoracic pressure increases during inspiration causing a decrease in venous return, right ventricular output, and pulmonary blood flow. Paradoxically, there may be a reduction in right ventricular impedance, but whether this offsets the decrease in venous return is unknown.

What are the adverse effects of PEEP?

Adverse cardiovascular effects of PEEP can include progressive reductions in cardiac output as mean airway pressure and, secondarily, mean intrathoracic pressure rise. The principal mechanism appears to be a progressive decrease in venous return to the heart.

When should you start using positive pressure ventilation?

If the baby remains apneic, gasping, or the heart rate is below 100 bpm after initial stimulation, positive pressure ventilation, or PPV, should be started immediately. For infants with ineffective respirations or bradycardia, positive pressure ventilation should be started within 60 seconds of birth.

What is the adverse effect of PEEP?

Why does positive pressure ventilation cause hypotension?

Cardiac Effects Positive pressure ventilation can reduce cardiac output which can result in hypotension. The increased intrathoracic pressure decreases venous return and right heart filling which may reduce cardiac output. It may also increase pulmonary vascular resistance.

What are the main risks side effects of mechanical ventilation?

The main risk of mechanical ventilation is an infection, as the artificial airway (breathing tube) may allow germs to enter the lung. This risk of infection increases the longer mechanical ventilation is needed and is highest around two weeks.

What is the most common complication of ventilation?

Perhaps most feared among medical complications occurring during mechanical ventilation are pneumothorax, bronchopleural fistula, and the development of nosocomial pneumonia; these entities may owe as much to the impairment of host defenses and normal tissue integrity as to the presence of the ventilator per se.

What effect does positive pressure ventilation have on cardiac output?

In short, positive pressure ventilation affects preload, afterload and ventricular compliance, and the effect in most situations is a decrease in cardiac output.

What are the effects of positive pressure ventilation?

Among the potential adverse physiologic effects of positive-pressure ventilation are decreased cardiac output, unintended respiratory alkalosis, increased intracranial pressure, gastric distension, and impairment of hepatic and renal function.

Are there any complications associated with PPV or peep?

Other complications may result from coexisting illness or comorbid conditions. Although not commonly recognized as important effects of PPV or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), alterations in organ functions ought to be recognized and addressed accordingly to reduce morbidity and mortality.

Are there any complications associated with mechanical ventilation?

Complications Associated with Mechanical Ventilation: Introduction Critically ill patients are at risk of succumbing to their primary disease or the undesired sequelae associated with their therapy. Although frequently lifesaving, the use of positive airway pressure therapy has numerous undesired physiologic and clinical complications.

Are there any complications associated with positive airway pressure therapy?

Critically ill patients are at risk of succumbing to their primary disease or the undesired sequelae associated with their therapy. Although frequently lifesaving, the use of positive airway pressure therapy has numerous undesired physiologic and clinical complications.