What is a T5 code?

The t5 library serves primarily as code for reproducing the experiments in Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer.

What is a T5 Multivan?

Multivan: This is the range-topping people mover based on the T5 platform. Available with six or seven seats, it has a unique rail feature in which seats can slide forward and backward into any configuration. The Multivan is sold under the Caravelle nameplate in the UK.

What does T stand for in T5?

The “T” in T5 indicates the bulb is tubular shaped, while the “5” denotes that it is five eighths of an inch in diameter. The other common lamps are the larger T8 (eight eighths inch = 1″) and T12 (twelve eights inch = 1½” tubes).

Is T6 better than T5?

With the T6, VW made significant measures to reduce noise when compared to the T5. Even at low speeds, there’s little wind, road and engine noise – perfect for long, cruisy journeys. They also improved the gear transition on the T6 vs. T5, meaning you get a smoother, more comfortable driving experience.

What does T5 mean on a Samsung dryer?

Temperature errors (tS, t5, tC, tO, t0, tE, tE3, tC5, tCS, 1 tC, 1tC5, 1tCS) These reflect an issue with the temperature or with the sensors that measure it. The most common cause is a clogged lint screen or vent system trapping heat in the dryer. Clean the lint screen, vent system, or both to correct the error.

What’s the difference between T5 and T5 1?

The Transporter T5. 1 is the newer, ‘facelift’ version of the well-known T5. It was introduced in 2010 and has a much sleeker and differently shaped front end. The main difference, and way to tell, are the front lights and bonnet shape.

What is better T4 or T5?

If you are set on joining the VW club with not much cash to spend then the T4 is your cheapest way in. If however you can stretch a little more to a medium tier Transporter then actually the T5 may offer better value.

What does T30 mean?

It means that the customer has to pay in full 30 days after the goods have shipped. Other companies have terms that read: 2% 10 days; net 30.

Is a VW T28 a T5 or T6?

VW Transporter T6 and T6. T27 – 2,700kg or 2.7 tonnes (T6 only) T28 – 2,800kg or 2.8 tonnes. T30 – 3,000kg or 3.0 tonnes. T32 – 3,200kg or 3.2 tonnes.

What is high mileage for a T5?

You can expect a Transporter T6 or T5 to reach at least 250k if well-driven and properly serviced, meaning it should last you well over 15 years. If you’d like to do more annual miles or want a van to last you 25 years without an engine and gearbox overhaul, it’s important to find the lowest mileage possible.

Will a T5 1 steering wheel fit a T5?

Yes they will fit, but you may need to do an element of re-wiring of the steering wheel.