What is a zero gravity massage?

In a zero gravity massage chair, you can recline all the way back to the neutral body position. This position, also known as zero gravity position, raises your legs above your heart level and evenly distributes your weight along your body.

What is a 4D massage?

For the greatest penetration and precision, 4D rollers provide users with a deep tissue massage. These 4D rollers can turn and hit different angles that other rollers can’t. In a 4D massage, the rollers can speed up or slow down automatically to concentrate on tense muscles. …

How much does a zero gravity massage chair cost?

Q: How much do zero gravity massage chairs cost? A: A quality zero gravity massage chair can cost anywhere from $1,599 to $9,999.

Are Tebo massage chairs any good?

One Must Have! “After a long day of hard work, muscles & back bones become sore. A 20 minute massage on this chair is just what I need and I feels reborn again. 95% of the time I fall asleep in this chair after the program finishes or sometimes just before it finishes then when I wake-up, I’m new again.”

How much is a Tivo chair?

Price (RRP) $413.95.

What is a 2D massage?

2D is what you picture as your traditional back roller massage. The massage rollers move in two dimensions, up and down from your neck to your lower back, and they can also move side to side.

What is a 3D massage?

3D massage technology is a new type of roller that allows the roller heads to protrude from the track an additional 8-10cm (depending on the manufacturer) in an effort to bring your massage to places that are typically neglected by your average massage chair, such as the upper neck and upper shoulder area.

What are the benefits of zero gravity chairs?

There are indeed plenty of observed benefits of zero gravity massage chairs that people are not aware of.

  • Reduction of Anxiety, Tension, and Stress.
  • Relaxes and Loosens Sore Muscles.
  • Improve the Flow of Blood.
  • Help Boost the Immune System.
  • Mobilize Lymphatic Circulation.
  • Helps with Headaches and Pain.
  • Improve Flexibility.

How much does a Tebo cost?

With the TEBO you can customise your massage to precisely where you feel your pain and adjust it to the pressure that you want for as long as you want. If you’ve been to a massage therapist before, you know it can easily set you back at least $90 for every 60-minute session which very quickly adds up.