What is AA GSR?

General Service Representative (G.S.R.) The general service representatives (G.S.R.s) of the U.S. and Canada are the very foundation of our general service structure. Through your G.S.R., you can make your group’s voice heard at district meetings, at area assemblies, and eventually at the General Service Conference.

What are the responsibilities of the GSR in AA?

The General Service Representative has the job of linking his or her group with AA as a whole. The GSR represents the group at the district and area levels, bringing the groups’ thought, news and problems to the District committee member and to the Delegate, who then passes them on to the conference.

What is the job of a GSR?

The GSR is the group liaison to the rest of the service community, carrying ideas and concerns from the group to local service bodies and helping keep the group informed about business at the area, region, and world services levels.

What is a GSR in recovery?

GSR Group service representative: Trusted servant elected by an NA group to participate on its behalf at the ASC or other local service body.

What are the positions in AA?

Chairperson. Treasurer. Secretary.

  • Treatment. Facilities/ Corrections. Representative.
  • Grapevine/ La Viña. Representative.
  • Literature. Representative.
  • C.P.C. Representative. Public. Information. Representative.
  • Archives. Representative.
  • General. Service. Representative.
  • District Committee. (Composed of G.S.R.s) Area. Committees. Delegates.
  • What is GSO in AA?

    Alcoholics Anonymous : Communication with the General Service Office (G.S.O.) of A.A. in New York City.

    What is DCM in Alcoholics Anonymous?

    The district committee member (D.C.M.) is an essential link between the group General Service Representative (G.S.R.s) and the area delegate to the General Service Conference. As leader of the district committee, made up of all G.S.R.s in the district, the D.C.M. is exposed to the group conscience of that district.

    What is a trusted servant?

    A Trusted Servant is a member of an A.A. Group who helps make the meeting possible. Trusted Servant positions include the Secretary, Treasurer and Intergroup Representative (IGR). A.A. has long had a tradition of active member participation and communication throughout the entire organization.

    What does a trusted servant mean?

    1a) Definition: leads the meeting by making transitions from the script, encourages reader to volunteer, organizes introductions, chooses topic, oversees time restraints and manages business meetings.

    What is the leader of an AA meeting called?

    The chairperson usually opens the meet- ing with the A.A. Preamble and a few remarks. Some call for a moment of silence and/or recite the Serenity Prayer. Others have a reading from the Big Book — frequently a portion of Chapter 5 (“How It Works”) or Chapter 3 (“More About Alcoholism”).

    What does GSO mean?


    Acronym Definition
    GSO General Service Office
    GSO General Statistics Office (Vietnam)
    GSO Geostationary Orbit
    GSO Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra (China)