What is an agoraphobic lifestyle?

A person with agoraphobia is afraid to leave environments they know or consider to be safe. In severe cases, a person with agoraphobia considers their home to be the only safe environment. They may avoid leaving their home for days, months or even years. Translated, agoraphobia means ‘fear of the marketplace’.

What is a agoraphobic person?

Agoraphobia is a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn’t be available if things go wrong. Many people assume agoraphobia is simply a fear of open spaces, but it’s actually a more complex condition. Someone with agoraphobia may be scared of: travelling on public transport.

Are there any celebrities with agoraphobia?

Deen is hardly the only celebrity to experience this potentially debilitating condition, however. Kim Basinger and Woody Allen also reportedly have experienced it, and the father of modern psychiatry himself—Sigmund Freud—may have struggled with the issue as a young man.

What is claustrophobic?

One of the most common phobias is claustrophobia, or the fear of enclosed spaces. A person who has claustrophobia may panic when inside a lift, aeroplane, crowded room or other confined area. The cause of anxiety disorders such as phobias is thought to be a combination of genetic vulnerability and life experience.

What causes Demophobia?

What are the causes of demophobia? In most cases, it’s hard to pinpoint an exact cause of simple phobias, including demophobia. Sometimes, people can link a specific incident to their fear of crowds. The amygdala—an area of the brain that records reactions and emotions—plays a role in this case.

Did Kim Basinger have agoraphobia?

Basinger talked about her agoraphobia in a 2001 HBO documentary, “Panic: A Film About Coping.” “Fear has been something I’ve lived with my entire life, the fear of being in public places – which led to anxiety or panic attacks,” she says. “I stayed in my house and literally cried every day.”

Does Kim Basinger still have agoraphobia?

She also acknowledges that she is coping with her agoraphobia and related anxieties, from which she has confessed suffering, without depending on medication. “Now I wake up and enjoy life. I didn’t want to live on drugs.