What is an EIS member?

Founded in 1847, the EIS is also the oldest teaching union in the world. The EIS also represents and supports members who encounter difficulties in their work or potential redundancy. The EIS also promotes and facilitates training for its representatives, and CPD opportunities for its members.

What does EIS union stand for?

The Educational Institute of Scotland
Website. www.eis.org.uk. The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) is the oldest teachers’ trade union in the world, having been founded in 1847when dominies became concerned about the effect of changes to the system of education in Scotland on their professional status.

What is EIS teacher?

The EIS is the largest teacher trade union representing over 80% of Scotland’s teachers (8 out of 10 teachers and lecturers in Scotland are members of the EIS).

How do I contact EIS?

Members have access to legal advice by calling the Legal Helpline on 0333 400 5778. The helpline is open 8am – 7pm 5 days a week and can provide advice on all legal issues except those relating to an individual’s employment. Any issues of this nature will be referred to the EIS.

What does the EIS do?

An EIS outlines the status of the environment in the affected area, provides a baseline for understanding the potential consequences of the proposed project, identifies positive and negative effects for the environment, and offers alternative actions, including inaction, in relation to the proposed project.

What are the benefits of EIS?

What Are The Benefits of EIS?

  • Reduced Income Allowance (RIA) – for those with multiple jobs, but lost at least one of them.
  • Training Fee – paid-for vocational training of up to six months.
  • Training Allowance – incentives for you to attend and finish your training.

Is the EIS a professional body?

It is the national professional registration body for college lecturers in Scotland and carries out a range of statutory functions and other initiatives to promote, support and develop the teaching profession in Scotland. GTCS is a registered charity and works in the public interest.

How many teaching unions are there in the UK?

Choosing which teachers’ union to join is an important decision. With more than 850,000 teachers joining one of the UK’s seven main unions, they are a powerful collective body.

What is EIS number?

An EIS number is another way — in addition to name and Social Security number — that the Department of Health and Human Services privately identifies a North Carolina citizen receiving assistance from the state.

Is the EIS part of the CDC?

The Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) is a program of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The modern EIS is a two-year, hands-on post-doctoral training program in epidemiology, with a focus on field work.

What other training is presented in the EIS training?

On-the-Job training activities involve: Applying epidemiologic skills in assigned public health projects, such as infectious and noninfectious disease, global health, injury prevention, environmental health, and occupational health.

Who can apply EIS?

If you are a Malaysian citizen or permanent resident aged between 18 to 60 years old, and an employee in the private sector, you would qualify for EIS. You are not covered if you belong to any of these categories: domestic workers, self-employed, civil servants, and workers in local authorities and statutory bodies.

Where can I get a membership pack for EIS?

A membership pack can be posted out on receipt of details as shown below. For further information contact the Membership department at [email protected] or telephone 0131 220 2268.

Where can I find information about the EIS contract?

Access the EIS contract sections and official award announcement on the new beta.SAM.gov website. Learn more about EIS resources. EIS is a comprehensive solution-based vehicle to address all aspects of federal agency IT telecommunications, and infrastructure requirements. Learn about EIS basics.

When do you have to apply for the EIS program?

All applications and supporting materials must be received by the deadline. Late applications will not be considered. EIS program reviews applications and selects applicants for interviews. CDC interviews applicants virtually. EIS program notifies applicants of their status (accepted, wait-listed, or rejected).

How long is the EIS free while on probation?

EIS Membership continues to be FREE for up to 16 months from the start of your probation. At the end of your free period of membership a further discount of 50% will be available for 9 months for those who complete a direct debit mandate prior to the end of their free period of membership.