What is an Esophagram with tablet?

X-rays and/or fluoroscopy will be used to observe the barium’s passage down the esophagus. You may also be asked to swallow a barium tablet — a small, solid pill, which can help to visualize certain structural problems of the esophagus.

How long does it take for a barium tablet to dissolve?

In a glass of water the tablet dissolves completely within 3 min, in a low density barium suspension (40% w/v) the tablet is unchanged even after 5 min, this probably is due to the hydrophilic charac- teristics of barium sulfate.

How big is a barium tablet?

Each tablet contains 700 mg of barium sulfate and is ½ inch in diameter.

How long does an Esophagram take?

The esophagram takes about 15 to 30 minutes. When the doctor and X-ray technologist have taken all the X-rays they need, they will check to make sure the pictures are clear, which takes only a few minutes. When they are satisfied with the pictures, the esophagram is finished.

What does an Esophagram show?

Your doctor has requested a procedure called an esophagram or barium swallow. This exam is performed to assess frequent heartburn (pain), gastric reflux (food/acid coming back up), aspiration (food or fluid in your wind pipe), difficulty eating, drinking, or swallowing.

What is a barium tablet used for?

Barium sulfate is a contrast agent. Barium sulfate works by coating the inside of your esophagus, stomach, or intestines which allows them to be seen more clearly on a CT scan or other radiologic (x-ray) examination. Barium sulfate is used to help diagnose certain disorders of the esophagus, stomach, or intestines.

What is a barium tablet?

The radiologist will use X-rays or fluoroscopy to watch the barium go down your esophagus. You may also be asked to swallow a barium tablet. This is a small pill that can help to show certain problems in the esophagus. Once the radiologist has taken all of the X-rays, you’ll be helped from the table.

What are the side effects of drinking barium?

A barium swallow test does have some potential side effects, including constipation or fecal impaction. Drink lots of fluids and eat high-fiber foods to move the barium through your digestive tract, as these complications most often arise due to barium that remains in your body.

What to expect during a barium swallow?

What to expect during a barium swallow. A barium swallow is a type of test used to look inside the esophagus, or food pipe. A doctor might recommend this test if they need to look at the outline of any part of a person’s digestive system. Barium is a white liquid that is visible on X-rays.

Does barium make you poop?

The barium will make your poo white or pale until it has all come out of your gut (after a day or so). If you had an injection to relax the muscles in your stomach, it may cause some blurring of your vision for an hour or so. If this happens it is best not to drive.

What is upper – GI – barium study?

Barium Studies: Upper GI or Swallow Study. Overview. A barium swallow study or an upper GI is a test which requires you/your child to swallow a white liquid that shows up on x-ray. The technician will ask you to swallow the liquid and take a series of pictures that follow the liquid as it travels to the stomach.