What is an example of a zeitgeist?

Zeitgeist is defined as the spirit of a generation or a period of time. An example of zeitgeist is the free love and progressive thinking of the 1960s.

What does the German term spirit of the times mean?

Zeitgeist is borrowed from German and literally translates to “time spirit” or “spirit of the times.” It comes from the German Zeit, meaning “time,” and Geist, meaning “spirit” or “ghost” (as seen in poltergeist, which means “a noisy ghost”).

Who came up with the term zeitgeist?

Advertisement. A zeitgeist used to be a formidable thing. Matthew Arnold coined the term in 1848 to capture the spirit of social unrest that suffused Victorian England.

How do you use the word zeitgeist in a sentence?

Zeitgeist in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The zeitgeist of the years preceding the war was a desire for isolation since no one wanted to get involved in an international crisis.
  2. If you want to understand the artistic zeitgeist of a particular era, you only have to look at the politics, movies, fashion, and music of that time.

Can a person be a zeitgeist?

Zeitgeist: [tsīt’gīst’, zīt’gīst’] n. The spirit or genius which marks the thought or feeling of a period or age. German Zeit means “time” and Geist is cognate with our word ghost, which doesn’t only mean the spirit of a person who has died, but can also mean an informing spirit, as in the term the Holy Ghost.

What is the current Zeitgeist 2020?

To define the 2020 zeitgeist, we can use three words: environmental activism, liberation, pandemic. These words might not immediately make you think of fashion, but yet they are what is on many people’s mind, which forces fashion world to yet again adapt and respond.

What is the importance of zeitgeist?

Yet one of the most significant influences on creativity is zeitgeist, the spirit of the times. This is manifested in attitudes, expectations, and assumptions about creative things and creative people. This is what draws people into creative endeavor—or scares some of them away from it.

What is the opposite of zeitgeist?

The spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation. Antonyms. dull happiness unhappiness courage cowardice deaden humility.

What does zeitgeist mean in court?

: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era.

What is the zeitgeist of 2021?

The 13th Annual Global ‘Zeitgeist Day’ in 2021 will be in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia! This annual global sustainability conference is being hosted for the very first time in Asia and it is in The Zeitgeist Movement’s best interest to bring interesting and informative seminars from around Asia to a global audience.

What does Zeitgeist mean in fashion?

Zeitgeist. The Zeitgeist is the intellectual fashion or dominant school of thought that typifies and influences the culture of a particular period in time.

What is cultural zeitgeist?

Full Definition of zeitgeist : the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era.

What is Zeitgeist used for?

Executives, venture capitalists, journalists, and authors have argued that the idea of a zeitgeist is useful in understanding the emergence of industries, simultaneous invention, and evaluating the relative value of innovations.

What does Zeitgeist mean in English?

Definition of zeitgeist : the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era : the general beliefs, ideas, and spirit of a time and place

What is the zeitgeist theory?

Theory of leadership. A “zeitgeist theory of leadership” has been contrasted with Thomas Carlyle ’s great man theory by Forsyth (2009). In his theory, Carlyle stresses that leaders do not become leaders by fate or accident.

What is another word for Zeitgeist?

zeitgeist | definition: the spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation | synonyms: spirit, feeling, tone, flavor, flavour, smell, feel, look| antonyms: dull, happiness, unhappiness, courage, cowardice