What is an operator in SQL?

An operator is a reserved word or a character used primarily in an SQL statement’s WHERE clause to perform operation(s), such as comparisons and arithmetic operations. These Operators are used to specify conditions in an SQL statement and to serve as conjunctions for multiple conditions in a statement.

Is there == in SQL?

The sql equal operator is used to check whether two expressions equal or not. The sql not equal operator is used to check whether two expressions equal or not. If it’s not equal then condition will be true and it will return not matched records.

What is this operator |*= in SQL?

SQL Compound Operators

Operator Description
%= Modulo equals
&= Bitwise AND equals
^-= Bitwise exclusive equals
|*= Bitwise OR equals

How or operator works in SQL?

The SQL Server OR is a logical operator that allows you to combine two Boolean expressions. It returns TRUE when either of the conditions evaluates to TRUE . In this syntax, the boolean_expression is any valid Boolean expression that evaluates to true, false, and unknown.

What is Bitwise exclusive or?

The bitwise exclusive OR operator (in EBCDIC, the ‸ symbol is represented by the ¬ symbol) compares each bit of its first operand to the corresponding bit of the second operand. Otherwise, it sets the corresponding result bit to 1 . Both operands must have an integral or enumeration type.

What does double colon mean in SQL?

In MS SQL Server 2000: For built-in user-defined functions that return a table, the function name must be specified with a leading double colon (::) to distinguish it from user-defined functions that are not built-in. It also must be specified as a one-part name with no database or owner qualifications.

What does colon mean in SQL?

The colon (:) is used to select “slices” from arrays. (See Section 5.12.) In certain SQL dialects (such as Embedded SQL), the colon is used to prefix variable names. The asterisk (*) has a special meaning when used in the SELECT command or with the COUNT aggregate function.