What is another word for gone wrong?

“It was just a phase in my life where everything I tried would go wrong.”…What is another word for gone wrong?

failed flopped
sprung back ricocheted
not gone as planned went wrong
fell flat fell through
went amiss went awry

What do you say when someone goes wrong?

When something goes wrong, what do you say?

  1. Saying, “I’m sorry.” The most often used phrase.
  2. Saying, “I apologize.” This is a better choice of words.
  3. Giving some lame excuse.
  4. Blaming someone else.
  5. Citing company policy.

What’s the definition of unvarnished?

1a : not adorned or glossed : plain, straightforward told the unvarnished truth. b : artless, frank the unvarnished candor of old people and children— Janet Flanner. 2 : not coated with or as if with varnish : crude, unfinished.

What is flunder?

Editors Contribution. flundernoun. Flunder (archaic): the slap of the tail of a whale. After all, his father had been killed by the flunder of the tail of a whale, so that his grieving mother had had to bring him up alone.

How do you keep a positive mindset when everything goes wrong?

28 things to do:

  1. Accept, accept, accept.
  2. Stick to the present.
  3. Focus on realistic expectations for yourself and the situation.
  4. Differentiate what you can and what you cannot change.
  5. Take one step, then another.
  6. Rather than focusing on the worst case, think instead of what else is possible.
  7. Look for the lesson.

How do you respond to being wrong?

When you’re dead wrong and you know it, own it. Don’t stonewall….Four steps to say you’re wrong and move on

  1. Agree with the accusation or judgment against you.
  2. Pause.
  3. Give your rationale for what you did (but make sure it doesn’t sound like an excuse).
  4. Let the other person have the final say.

What is Ruffian?

: a brutal person : bully.