What is another word for slow learner?

What is another word for slow learner?

imbecile idiot
dullard simpleton
twit doofus
dork moron
oaf dunce

What is another word for someone being slow?

1, 2 unhurried. 6 sluggardly, dilatory, indolent, lazy, slothful. 7 dense.

What is the meaning of slow learners?

Definition. A Slow Learner is a child of below average intelligence whose thinking. skills and scholastic performance have developed significantly more Slowly than the pace of his or her age. “Slow Learners are the Learners whose learning pace is Slower than their peers”.

What is a slow learner child?

A child can be described as a slow learner if his or her thinking skills develop at a notably slower rate than that of his or her peers. The child will carry on through the exact same developmental stages as his or her peers but at a comparatively slow rate. Also, the child typically has below-average intelligence.

How do you say slow formally?


  1. laggardly,
  2. leisurely,
  3. pokily,
  4. slow,
  5. sluggishly,
  6. tardily.

How do you say someone is slow?

People who are lazy or slow to act – thesaurus

  1. layabout. noun. someone who is lazy and avoids work or anything that involves any effort.
  2. slob. noun. informal someone who is lazy or untidy.
  3. couch potato. noun.
  4. deadbeat. noun.
  5. passenger. noun.
  6. lump. noun.
  7. parasite. noun.
  8. ne’er-do-well. noun.

Why some students are slow learners?

Slow learning children are not special education students but they represent a group of educationally retarded. The contributing factors are cultural, poverty, family inadequacy, parental disharmony and in a few causes, unfavorable school conditions, school absences.

Is it okay to be a slow learner?

For the most part, people are not inherently fast or slow learners. It’s not a matter of their capacity to learn but how efficiently and effectively they use that capacity. You may think you are a slow learner, but most likely, you just need to learn how to use your brain more effectively.