What is Area STD Code of Mumbai?

Mumbai Std Code Number, Maharashtra

Location STD Code State
Mumbai 022 Maharashtra

Which city STD code is 033?

Calcutta Std Code Number, West Bengal

Location STD Code State
Calcutta 033 West Bengal

What is STD Code of Thane?

STD & PIN Codes

Location STD Code
Thane 022
Kalyan 0251
Murbad 02524
Bhiwandi 02522

Which country has 22 code?

International Dialing Code

Serial No. Country Name Dialing Codes
23 BELIZE 501
24 BENIN 229
25 BERMUDA 1-441

What is Pune code?

Pune Std Code Number, Maharashtra

Location STD Code State
Pune 020 Maharashtra

What is panvel PIN code?

Panvel/Zip codes

Which is the STD code of Mumbai Maharashtra?

The STD code of Mumbai in Maharashtra is 022. Location of Mumbai, Maharashtra *The Map Showing the Mumbai City of Maharashtra in Detail.

Where is the post office STD code in Mumbai?

STD Code : 022 Pincode Post Office 400007 Grant Road 400008 Mumbai Central 400009 Chinch B’der 400010 Mazgaon

Which is the shortest STD code in India?

A Telephone Access Code (STD) is assigned to each city, town and village in India. The larger Metro cities have shorter area codes (STD codes), the shortest being 2 digits. Below we have given the complete list of STD code list of tier-1 cities in India.

How can I get the STD code of a city?

To get the STD code, you’ll have to select the state and the city and then hit search. Voila! Similarly, in order to find the STD codes of all cities and towns within any state, select a state and the names of its cities and towns will be displayed.