What is BuildTools jar?

BuildTools. jar is our solution to building Bukkit, CraftBukkit, Spigot, and the Spigot-API. All of which is done on your computer! A few prerequisite programs are necessary, but the instructions below will guide you through everything you need to do.

How do I run BuildTools on Windows?

Running BuildTools

  1. Open your terminal if you are on Linux, or git bash on Windows. Git bash can be found on the desktop or in the Start menu under the name “git bash”.
  2. Navigate to where you downloaded BuildTools. jar, or use the command line way to download the jar to your current directory.
  3. Run BuildTools.

What is BuildTools?

Build tools are programs that automate the creation of executable applications from source code. Building incorporates compiling, linking and packaging the code into a usable or executable form. In small projects, developers will often manually invoke the build process.

How do I use BuildTools on Mac?

Mac OSX Installation

  1. Download the latest BuildTools.
  2. Take your build tools file and place it in a separate folder on your Mac.
  3. Open up TextEdit and type in the following:
  4. Save the following to the same folder as your BuildTools.jar as build.command.
  5. Now the tricky part.
  6. Now for the easy part.

Is GetBukkit org safe?

GetBukkit The most reliable and secure Minecraft server mirror. Get Bukkit strives to be available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for server owners, hosts, and the general public, providing the safest and most trusted third-party Minecraft server mirror.

What does a build tool do?

What Does Build Tool Mean? Build tools are programs that automate the creation of executable applications from source code. Building incorporates compiling, linking and packaging the code into a usable or executable form. Using an automation tool allows the build process to be more consistent.

What is better spigot or bukkit?

Spigot was created from the CraftBukkit source code, but has been highly optimized for performance. Spigot is generally a better choice for both large and small servers, as it will use memory and CPU much more efficiently than CraftBukkit.

How do I install BuildTools on my Mac?