What is CommandArgument in GridView?

The RowCommand event is raised when a button is clicked in the GridView control. This enables you to provide an event-handling method that performs a custom routine whenever this event occurs. CommandArgument: The CommandArgument can contain any string set by the programmer.

What is CommandName and CommandArgument in asp net?

The CommandArgument property complements the CommandName property by allowing you to provide additional information about the command to perform. For example, if you set the CommandName property to Sort and the CommandArgument property to Ascending, you specify a command to sort in ascending order.

What is the use of RowCommand event in GridView?

The RowCommand event is raised when a button is clicked in the GridView control. This enables you to provide an event-handling method that performs a custom routine whenever this event occurs.

What is spring form CommandName?

The commandName attribute is the most important attribute in the form tag, which specifies the model attribute name that contains a backing object and the properties of this object will be used to populate the generated form.

How can use CommandArgument in LinkButton in asp net?

Add a CommandName attribute, and optionally a CommandArgument attribute, to your LinkButton control. Then set the OnCommand attribute to the name of your Command event handler.

What is command name in asp net?

When you have multiple Button controls on a Web page, use the CommandName property to specify or determine the command name associated with each Button control. You can set the CommandName property with any string that identifies the command to perform.

What is difference between DataGrid and GridView in ASP NET?

The DataGrid and the GridView controls have different event models. The DataGrid control raises single events for operations, while the GridView control is capable of both pre-operation and post-operation events. The GridView control supports the Sorting event that occurs when a field is sorted.

How to get commandname and commandargument in GridView?

Get CommandName, CommandArgument, RowIndex and the GridView Row inside Button Click event Inside the Click event handler of the Button, first the Button which was clicked is referenced using the sender object. Then using the Button reference, the CommandName and CommandArgument properties are fetched.

When does a rowcommand event occur in GridView?

The RowCommand event is raised when a button is clicked in the GridView control. This enables you to provide an event-handling method that performs a custom routine whenever this event occurs. Buttons within a GridView control can also invoke some of the built-in functionality of the control.

When to use command name and commandargument?

For example if you have a Button control in a GridView column with a CommandName of “delete” it will raise the OnDeleting event and the CommandArgument will have been set to the row index of the GridViewRow that the button is in. Otherwise as others have posted you can use the CommandName and CommandArgument however best suits your circumstances.

How to use rowcommand event for a button Stack Overflow?

First your button control CommandArgument property must have a unique value in each row: Then on your code behind GridView3_RowCommand event you will have something like the code below: Omit the CommandArgument. We don’t need this Give a CommandArgument.