What is focus group discussion techniques?

Focus group discussion is a technique where a researcher assembles a group of individuals to discuss a specific topic, aiming to draw from the complex personal experiences, beliefs, perceptions and attitudes of the participants through a moderated interaction (Cornwall & Jewkes, 1995; Hayward, Simpson, & Wood, 2004; …

What are the problems of focus group discussion?

Compared to individual interviews, focus groups are not as efficient in covering maximum depth on a particular issue. A particular disadvantage of a focus group is the possibility that the members may not express their honest and personal opinions about the topic at hand.

What are the examples of focus group discussion?

Examples: A focus group of parents of preschoolers meets to discuss child care needs. Parents share their views on local child care programs, and on what could be done to improve them. A focus group of senior citizens meets at the new senior center.

What are the merits and demerits of focus group discussion?

Focus group advantages

  • A window into customers’ heads.
  • Focus group discussions lead to valuable output.
  • Organizations can see the research ‘in action’
  • Data is gathered quickly.
  • Some voices are louder than others.
  • May not be representative of entire target market.
  • For sensitive topics, it can be hard to get honest insights.

What are the benefits of focus group discussion?

Advantages of Focus Groups

  • Clarify and test pre-conceived notions and findings.
  • Understand met and unmet needs.
  • Hear customer feedback in their own words and voices.
  • Uncover ideas and issues that initially may nay not have been considered – but are important to the customer.
  • Discover the decision making process.

What are the characteristics of focus group discussion?

The general characteristics of the Focus Group are people’s involvement, a series of meetings, the homogeneity of participants with respect to research interests, the generation of qualitative data, and discussion focused on a topic, which is determined by the purpose of the research.

What is the main difficulty in transcribing a focus group session?

Transcribing a focus group is challenging as these recorded conversations are different than a standard interview or basic audio file. There is often background noise, quiet conversations, and non-verbal cues to complicate the situation.

Why do focus groups fail?

So, why do focus groups fail? Focus groups fail because: People can’t predict what they want and don’t understand their own motives for making decisions. Consumers have other motivations for answering and participating in the group than contributing to the end product.

How do you write a focus group discussion?

Start the report with an executive summary that outlines when the focus group was held, where, who participated, the purpose and any big-picture results obtained. You will then go into more detail about each of these in your report. Next, write a section that details the purpose of the focus group.

How do you write a focus group discussion guide?

There should be three types of questions in a focus group discussion:

  1. Probe questions: these introduce participants to the discussion topic and make them feel more comfortable sharing their opinion with the group.
  2. Follow-up questions: delve further into the discussion topic and the participants’ opinions.

How many people are in a focus group?

A focus group discussion isa qualitative data collection method that engages 6 to 12 people—with shared characteristics pertinent to the specific discussion topic—and is led by a trained facilitator.

What do you mean by focus group discussion?

A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) is a qualitative research method and data collection technique in which a selected group of people discusses a given topic or issue in-depth, facilitated by a professional, external moderator.

Who is the moderator of a focus group?

‰ Ideally, the focus group is conducted by a team consisting of a moderator and assistant moderator. The moderator facilitates the discussion; the assistant takes notes and runs the tape recorder. ‰ The ideal focus group moderator has the following traits:

What does FGD mean in a focus group?

An FGD is nota group interview that results in a collection of individual participants’ responses. Rather, it encourages the participants to talk to one another, discuss and build upon or challenge each other’s opinions.