What is hemoglobin C trait with pregnancy?

Hemoglobin C trait is when a baby inherited one gene for hemoglobin A from one parent and one gene for hemoglobin C from the other parent. People with hemoglobin C trait are not sick.

Is hemoglobin C trait a blood disorder?

Hemoglobin C disease is a blood disorder passed down through families. It leads to a type of anemia, which occurs when red blood cells break down earlier than normal.

Is hemoglobin C sickle cell?

Hemoglobin sickle C disease is a “mild” form of sickle cell anemia. Your child’s red blood cells (RBC’s) contain two abnormal hemoglobins called hemoglobin S and hemoglobin C. Hemoglobin is the substance in the RBC’s which carries oxygen to all parts of the body.

How common is hemoglobin C?

A baby born to parents who each carry the trait has a 1 in 4 chance of having hemoglobin C disease. In the U.S., hemoglobin C is most common in African-Americans. People of Caribbean, Italian, and Greek descent also have a higher risk.

How do you treat hemoglobin C?

Treatment. Although hemoglobin C disease is a chronic condition, it usually doesn’t require any treatment. The anemia that develops is mild and rarely interferes with everyday life. Neither children nor adults need any special therapy, vitamins, or iron supplements to treat hemoglobin C disease.

Is hemoglobin C trait the same as sickle cell trait?

Hemoglobin C trait is common and can occur in any race or ethnicity. It is most common in individuals of African American of West African descent. You may have heard of sickle cell trait before, while not exactly the same, sickle cell trait and hemoglobin C trait are similar.

What causes Haemoglobin C disease?

Hemoglobin C disease is caused by a mutation in the gene that provides instructions to the body to make hemoglobin. This mutation causes a change in the shape of the red blood cells so that oxygen isn’t carried as well throughout the body.

What is Haemoglobin C carrier?

Your genes also control the type of haemoglobin you inherit. The usual type is called ‘A’. You have inherited the usual haemoglobin A from one of your parents, and a gene that makes unusual haemoglobin (in your case haemoglobin C) from the other parent. We call this being a haemoglobin C carrier.

What are the symptoms of hemoglobin C disease?

Hemoglobin C disease is a condition affecting a protein in the blood (hemoglobin) which transports oxygen throughout the body. Symptoms of this condition can include fatigue, weakness, and anemia . The spleen can also become enlarged as a result of this disease.

What is sickle Haemoglobin C disease?

Hemoglobin SC disease is a type of sickle cell disease. People who have Hemoglobin SC disease (also called sickle-hemoglobin C disease) have red blood cells that contain both hemoglobin S and hemoglobin C. Under certain conditions, these red blood cells harden and take on a sickle (or banana) shape.

What is hemoglobin C carrier?

Hemoglobin C trait (hemoglobin C carrier) occurs when a person inherits one gene for hemoglobin C and one gene for hemoglobin A. Individuals with hemoglobin C trait are NOT at risk to develop sickle cell disease or hemoglobin C disease. They generally do NOT have any medical problems and lead normal lives.