What is HttpSession in Java?

public interface HttpSession. Provides a way to identify a user across more than one page request or visit to a Web site and to store information about that user. The servlet container uses this interface to create a session between an HTTP client and an HTTP server.

How do I find HttpSession?

The HttpServletRequest interface provides two methods to get the object of HttpSession: public HttpSession getSession():Returns the current session associated with this request, or if the request does not have a session, creates one.

Which method is assigned to HttpSession session?

Binding Data to a Session

HttpSession Method Description
getAttribute() Returns the object bound to a given name in the session, or null if there is no such binding.
getAttributeNames() Returns an array of names of all attributes bound to the session.

Which of the following methods belong to in HttpSession interface?

Methods in HttpServlet Interface

Method Description
public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) Gets the session associated with the request. If not already present, then a new one is created based on the value of the boolean argument passed into it
public String getId() Returns the unique session id

Can we use HttpSession in spring boot?

5.3 HttpSession with JDBC You can use Spring Session with HttpSession by adding a servlet filter before anything that uses the HttpSession . You can choose to do in any of the following ways: Java-based Configuration. XML-based Configuration.

What is spring boot HttpSession?

Essentially, anytime an HTTP Session is requested by your Spring Boot, Web Application, the Servlet Container (e.g. Apache Tomcat) delegates to Spring Session to provide the implementation of javax. servlet. http. HttpSession . Effectively, Spring Session provides it’s own implementation of the javax.

Which of the following code is used to get an attribute in a HttpSession object in servlets?

Q 39 – Which of the following code is used to get an attribute in a HTTP Session object in servlets? A – session.

What are valid methods for HttpSessionListener interface?

Methods of HttpSessionListener interface

  • public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent e): is invoked when session object is created.
  • public void sessionDestroyed(ServletContextEvent e): is invoked when session is invalidated.

How configure hibernate sessionFactory in spring boot?


  1. return sessionFactory;
  2. }
  3. @Bean. public HibernateTransactionManager transactionManager() {
  4. HibernateTransactionManager transactionManager = new HibernateTransactionManager(); transactionManager. setSessionFactory(sessionFactory(). getObject());
  5. return transactionManager; }
  6. }

Which methods are used to bind the objects on HttpSession instance and get the objects?

We can bind the objects on HttpSession instance and get the objects by using setAttribute and getAttribute methods.

How do I use HttpSessionBindingListener?

1 Answer. The HttpSessionBindingListener is to be implemented on the class whose instances may be stored in the session, such as the logged-in user. E.g. When an instance of this ActiveUser get set as a session attribute by HttpSession#setAttribute() , then the valueBound() will be invoked.

How is the HttpSession object used in Java?

The HttpSession object is used for session management. A session contains information specific to a particular user across the whole application. Session in Java Servlet are managed through different ways, such as Cookies, HttpSession API, URL rewriting, etc. Here is an example of using HttpSession object.

How to get value from session in HttpSession?

TO get the value from session we use the getAttribute () method of HttpSession interface. Here we are fetching the attribute values using attribute names. public void setAttribute (String name, Object value): Binds the object with a name and stores the name/value pair as an attribute of the HttpSession object.

Which is an example of a session in Java?

A session contains information specific to a particular user across the whole application. Session in Java Servlet are managed through different ways, such as Cookies, HttpSession API, URL rewriting, etc. Here is an example of using HttpSession object. For this example I will create a Dynamic Web Application using Eclipse.

Which is the first parameter of HttpSession in servlet?

This First parameter is the attribute name and second is the attribute value. For e.g. uName is the attribute name and ChaitanyaSingh is the attribute value in the code above. TO get the value from session we use the getAttribute () method of HttpSession interface.