What is Mojama tuna?

Mojama tuna fillet, dry-cured in sea salt, is a rare delicacy from Andalucía. Mojama is made by curing the tuna loins for two to three days (depending on size) then, similarly with Spanish cured ham the salt is washed off and the loins are left to cure.

What does Mojama taste like?

The taste of mojama? Salty, like good ham, not like anchovies. It has marine overtones, a subtle iodine, but is not “fishy.” It’s a rich, umami taste. Because it’s a concentrated flavor, a little mojama goes a long way.

How do you dry tuna fish?

After cleaning the fish, you lay them in a dry basket and cover them with salt. Use about one-third of the weight of the fish in salt. Cover the basket and let it sit for 9-10 days.

How do you store Mojamas?

Good news is, mojama can be kept in the refrigerator (wrapped in plastic) for upwards of six months, so there’s no need to embark on a mojama bender to use it all up in a flash.

How do you eat Mojamas?

The tuna is ideal over whole-grain toast when topped with salad or a fried egg, on top of beans or on top of pasta. Mojama can also be put over scrambled eggs or whole Marcona almonds that are toasted in olive oil. Mojama makes a superb and simple tapa served with sliced bread and toasted almonds or green olives.

Can you dry tuna?

Break the tuna up into small pieces and spread out in a single layer on the dehydrator tray. Excalibur mesh sheets keep all but the tiniest crumbs from falling through, so I don’t use non-stick sheets. But you certainly can use them. Dehydrate at 145° for approximately six hours until crispy.

How do you salt fresh tuna?

Place one piece of tuna and lightly cover with rock salt. Continue to do this with the remaining pieces of tuna and place a small layer of salt on top of the last piece of tuna. Put the lid on the container/jar and store away in a cupboard or fridge. The tuna should be ready after two weeks (the longer the better).

How do you store dried fish at home?

Store the dried fish in a cool, dry place. Place the dried fish into an airtight, glass or plastic container in the pantry. The fish should last for 1-2 weeks. Dried fish can also be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks.

How do you cure Mojama?

Mojama is made using the loins of the tuna by curing them in salt for two days. The salt is then removed, the loins are washed and then laid out to dry in the sun and the breeze (according to the traditional method) for fifteen to twenty days.

How long will dehydrated tuna last?

Properly handled and dried fish can last without spoilage between 6 to 12 months! That’s a lot of time, and a great means to preserve food to take with you on a hike, camping, as a snack on the trail or just something to eat at home if you prefer the flavor.