What is offsetParent Javascript?

The offsetParent property returns the nearest ancestor that has a position other than static. Note: offsetParent is used with the offsetLeft, and offsetTop properties.

What is the difference between parentNode and parentElement in Javascript?

Parent Element returns null if the parent is not an element node, that is the main difference between parentElement and parentNode. documentElement) doesn’t have a parent that is an element, it is a node, therefore, the parent element is null. …

What is parentNode Javascript?

parentNode is the parent of the current node. The parent of an element is an Element node, a Document node, or a DocumentFragment node.

What is parentNode parentNode in Javascript?

Definition and Usage. The parentNode property returns the parent node of the specified node, as a Node object. Note: In HTML, the document itself is the parent node of the HTML element, HEAD and BODY are child nodes of the HTML element. This property is read-only.

What is Javascript offsetLeft?

Definition and Usage. The offsetLeft property returns the left position (in pixels) relative to the left side the offsetParent element. The returned value includes: the left position, and margin of the element. the left padding, scrollbar and border of the offsetParent element.

Can I use previousElementSibling?

To get the next and previous siblings of an element, you can use the element’s nextElementSibling and previousElementSibling properties respectively. Now you want to get the list item immediately before and after #drink .

What is offset top in Javascript?

The offsetTop property returns the top position (in pixels) relative to the top of the offsetParent element. The returned value includes: the top position, and margin of the element. the top padding, scrollbar and border of the offsetParent element.