What is organic matter in your own words?

Organic matter pertains to any of the carbon-based compounds that abound in nature. Living organisms also excrete or secrete material that is considered an organic material. The organic matter from living things becomes a part of the environment. Thus, organic matter abounds in the ecosystem, e.g. soil ecosystem.

What is organic matter source?

Organic matter is any living or dead animal and plant material. On farms the main sources of organic matter are plant litter (plant roots, stubble, leaves, mulch) and animal manures. Earthworms and microorganisms decompose these materials.

What is organic matter function?

Organic matter serves as a reservoir of nutrients and water in the soil, aids in reducing compaction and surface crusting, and increases water infiltration into the soil. Yet it’s often ignored and neglected.

What is example of organic matter?

Examples of organic matter are leaves, lawn clippings, cornstalks and straw, green manures (plants that are grown for the purpose of tilling them into the soil), sludge and manure.

What does organic matter consist of?

Organic matter consists mainly of the living organisms in the soil (“the living”), the fresh residue (“the dead”), and the well-decomposed (or burned) material physically or chemically protected from decomposition (“the very dead”).

Why is organic matter important?

Organic matter improves soil structure, which results in increased water infiltration following rains and increased water-holding capacity of the soil; it also enhances root growth into more permeable soil. This results in better plant health and allows more movement of mobile nutrients (such as nitrates) to the root.

How is organic matter formed?

Main. Soil organic matter (SOM) is formed through the partial decomposition and transformation of plant inputs (for example, above- and below-ground litter and exudates) by soil organisms.

What is organic matter and why is it important?

Organic matter includes any plant or animal material that returns to the soil and goes through the decomposition process. In addition to providing nutrients and habitat to organisms living in the soil, organic matter also binds soil particles into aggregates and improves the water holding capacity of soil.

What is organic matter and inorganic matter?

Organic compounds are characterized by the presence of carbon atoms in them. Most inorganic compounds do not have carbon atoms in them (some exceptions do exist) 2. Organic compounds consisting of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and their other derivatives. They do not possess hydrogen or oxygen and their derivatives.

What is the difference between organic matter and inorganic matter?

Organic and inorganic compounds form one of the primary basis for chemistry. The primary difference that lies between these organic compounds and inorganic compounds is that organic compounds always have a carbon atom while most of the inorganic compounds do not contain the carbon atom in them.

What is the important role of organic matter in agriculture?

PHYSICAL: Soil organic matter improves soil structure. This ultimately helps to control soil erosion and improves water infiltration and water holding capacity, giving plant roots and soil organisms better living conditions.

Which is the best source of organic matter?

Cover crops or green manure are crops grown specifically to provide food for soil organisms and ultimately soil organic matter. Animal bedding(straw, wood shavings) and manure have been a primary source of organic matter added to the soil for thousands of years

Why is dissolved organic matter important to Som?

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) represents an important constituent pool of the total SOM. Changes in DOM could help in the prediction of SOM transformations based on high mobility and availability of dissolved C fractions for decomposition.

What are the benefits of soil organic matter?

Soil organic matter contains nearly all soil N and in most soils generates the majority of CEC. Furthermore, SOM can bind toxic compounds, such as Al, thereby reducing soil toxicity with benefits to plants.

Why is organic matter important to the biosphere?

Soil organic matter is one of the major pools of carbon in the biosphere and, unlike most other soil properties, is important both as a driver of climate change (see CARBON EMISSIONS AND SEQUESTRATION) and as a response variable to climate change, capable of acting both as a source and sink of carbon.