What is paramyxovirus infection?

The family paramyxoviridae comprises viruses causing respiratory tract infections in childhood [ 1–15 ]. Paramyxovirus infection is the most common group of viral infection in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), which outnumbers the infection caused by influenza and other respiratory viruses.

Can paramyxovirus be cured?

There is no specific treatment for PPMV1. Infected pigeons often die within 72 hours, but may survive with supportive therapy e.g. electrolytes, acidifying agents, probiotics. The addition of electrolytes to the drinking water is the most effective treatment.

Can dogs get paramyxovirus?

A paramyxovirus causes distemper in dogs, and it is closely related to the measles and rinderpest viruses. It causes severe illness in the host by attacking multiple body systems, resulting in a widespread infection that is difficult to treat.

What does paramyxovirus look like?

All paramyxoviruses are enveloped particles 150 to 300 nm in diameter. The tubelike, helically symmetrical nucleocapsid contains a monopartite, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA genome and an RNA-directed RNA polymerase.

What is the major cytopathic effect of mumps?

Cytopathic effects such as the appearance of intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions, rounding of cells, or the fusion of cells into giant multinucleate syncytia may be noted.

What virus kills pigeons?

Pigeon rotavirus causes a highly infectious and fatal disease. The virus was first detected in racing pigeons in Western Australia a year ago and has now spread to the eastern states causing significant suffering and killing thousands of racing pigeons as well as those owned by pigeon fanciers.

Is Rubella a paramyxovirus?

Rubella virus, although classified as a togavirus because of its chemical and physical properties (see Chapter 29), can be considered with the paramyxoviruses on an epidemiologic basis.

What kind of disease does paramyxovirus 1 cause?

The virus involved is Paramyxovirus PMV-1, which is of variable pathogenicity. Signs are typically of disease of the nervous, respiratory or reproductive systems. Morbidity is usually high and mortality varies 0-100%. Higher mortality is seen in velogenic disease in unvaccinated stock.

How many avian paramyxoviruses are there in the wild?

There are 12 recognized serotypes of avian paramyxoviruses (PMV-1 to PMV-12), and they are all single stranded RNA viruses. A severe strain of PMV-1 (also called Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus or vNDV), can cause high mortality when it is transmitted to domestic poultry and is a reportable disease.

Can a paramyxovirus cause conjunctivitis in humans?

Some strains can potentially cause a temporary conjunctivitis and flu-like symptoms in people. However, this is mostly limited to lab workers and vaccination teams that expose themselves to very large quantities of the virus. There are 12 recognized serotypes of avian paramyxoviruses (PMV-1 to PMV-12), and they are all single stranded RNA viruses.

Where did Pigeon Paramyxovirus come from in Australia?

It probably originated in the Middle East but has spread to Europe, the USA and Australia, where it has the potential to infect and kill native bird species. Pigeon paramyxovirus was first detected in Victoria in 2011, in NSW in 2012 and in Tasmania in 2013.