What is PVC banner material?

PVC is an abbreviation for Polyvinyl Chloride, which is the third most widely produced plastic in the world. Our standard PVC banner is printed at a high resolution that produces great, vibrant colours.

What material is flex banner?

PVC material
Flex banners are being made of PVC material so it’s also called PVC flex banners, as they are been made from PVC material they are light in weight and flexible but still very resistant. It can be used indoors and outdoors both as the material used is not harmful to human beings.

What is the difference between Star Flex and normal flex?

Normal Flex is used at shops or in standies at events. Star Flex is Much higher quality Flex then Normal Flex which reflects teh light and gives a lustre Appearance when viewed.

Is vinyl and flex the same?

While flex is usually applied to a medium using heat, vinyl is stuck to your banner or sign using adhesive material attached to vinyl. The application is similar to a band-aid, which needs to have the adhesive pulled and stuck to a surface. Vinyl can be used on different surfaces like glass, metal, plastic, etc.

What are flex banners?

Flex banners are being made of PVC material so it’s also called PVC flex banners, as they are been made from PVC material they are light in weight and flexible but still very resistant. Due to its long-lasting durability flex banners are mostly used for the billboards.

Is PVC same as vinyl?

Vinyl is commonly used as a shorthand name for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic as used in a range of products from flooring to siding to wall covering. Most commonly, when a product is referred to as “vinyl,” it is comprised primarily of PVC.

What is the difference between PVC and vinyl?

Vinyl and PVC can often be confused with one another, but the truth is that these two materials are not the same. Vinyl is a radical of ethane that refers to many different ethylene-based compounds and PVC is polyvinyl chloride and a polymer of vinyl chloride.

Which is the best quality in Flex?

Whereas vinyl which comes in normal vinyl , eco vinyl or digital vinyl are used for pasting on to any plain surface which can be wall, sunboard, sunpack, wooden board etc. Printing quality of digital vinyl is best and in flex and star flex media, print quality of star flex is superior than normal flex.