What is Qkview file?

The qkview utility is an executable program that generates machine-readable (XML) diagnostic data and combines the data into a single compressed Tape ARchive (TAR) format file. You can upload this file, called a QKView file, to F5 iHealth, or give it to F5 Support to help them troubleshoot any issues.

Where is Qkview file stored?

/var/tmp/ directory
Note: You can only save QKView files in the /var/tmp/ directory and its subdirectories. The system prepends any file name you provide using the -f option with /var/tmp/, unless the file name already begins with /var/tmp/.

How do I upload Qkview to F5?

This behavior may cause an additional performance burden on systems that are already under heavy load.

  1. Log in to the Configuration utility.
  2. Navigate to System > Support.
  3. Click New Support Snapshot.
  4. For Health Utility, click Generate QKView.
  5. Click Start.
  6. To download the output file, click Download.

How can I create Qkview file in big-IQ?

To generate a qkview file for the BIG-IQ, you must use the command-line procedure.

  1. Log in to the command line.
  2. To run the qkview utility, type the following command: qkview.
  3. The output file name displays when the command has completed.

How do I check my F5 Loadtime balance?

To verify the system’s uptime using the BIG-IP command line, perform the following procedure:

  1. Login to command line using the serial console or SSH.
  2. Run the uptime command.
  3. Review the time reported immediately after the word up. NOTE: The time reported is listed in days, hours, and minutes.

How do I test my F5 Health Monitor?

Impact of procedure: Performing the following procedure should not have a negative impact on your system.

  1. Go to Local Traffic > Monitors.
  2. Select the name of the monitor you want to test.
  3. Select the Test tab.
  4. For Address, type the IP address and port number of the destination host.
  5. Select Test.
  6. Verify the test result.

How do you get logs from f5?

  1. Log in to the BIG-IP command line.
  2. To change to the /var/log directory, enter the following command: cd /var/log.
  3. Use a Linux utility such as cat, or less, to review the log file. For example, to view the ltm log file, enter the following command: cat ltm.

Where are UCS files stored F5?

/var/local/ucs directory
By default, the BIG-IP system saves the UCS archive file in the /var/local/ucs directory. If you do not include an extension, the system appends the . ucs extension to the file. Note: F5 recommends that you include the BIG-IP hostname and current timestamp as part of the filename for ease of identification.

How do I get UCS from F5?

  1. Log in to the Configuration utility.
  2. Go to System > Archives.
  3. Select the UCS archive you want to restore.
  4. If the UCS archive is encrypted, enter the passphrase for the encrypted UCS archive file for Restore Passphrase.
  5. To initiate the UCS archive restore process, select Restore.

How to upload a qkview file to BIG-IP iHealth?

You can upload this file, called a QKView file, to BIG-IP iHealth, or give it to F5 Technical Support to help them troubleshoot any issues. You must meet the following prerequisites to use these procedures: You have administrator or resource administrator access to the Configuration utility.

What can I use qkview utility for?

The qkview utility is a program that you can use to automatically collect configuration and diagnostic information from BIG-IP, BIG-IQ, F5 iWorkflow, and Enterprise Manager systems.

How to upload qkviews to F5 cloud Docs?

Password: Click the Test button to validate that your credentials work. Click the Save & Close button in the lower right. Click the QKview Upload Schedules button in the BIG-IP iHealth menu. Click Save & Close.

How to generate qkview diagnostic data on F5 BIG-IP Austral Tech?

This behavior may cause an additional performance burden on systems that are already under heavy load. Log in to the Configuration utility. Navigate to System > Support. Click New Support Snapshot. For Health Utility, click Generate QKView. Click Start. To download the output file, click Download.