What is SendInput?

The SendInput function inserts the events in the INPUT structures serially into the keyboard or mouse input stream. These events are not interspersed with other keyboard or mouse input events inserted either by the user (with the keyboard or mouse) or by calls to keybd_event, mouse_event, or other calls to SendInput.

How do you send keystrokes in C++?

For example, if you want to send “A” you usually press Shift+A, which is equivalent to sending these key strokes: “+a” , similarly to send the “~” you would press Shift+` which is equivalent to key strokes “+`” or simply “{TILDE}” (Table 1. b).

How do I type in AutoHotkey?

Text instructions:

  1. Right-Click on your desktop.
  2. Find “New” in the menu.
  3. Click “AutoHotkey Script” inside the “New” menu.
  4. Give the script a new name.
  5. Find the newly created file on your desktop and right-click it.
  6. Click “Edit Script”.
  7. A window should have popped up, probably Notepad.
  8. Save the File.

How do you send a tab in AutoHotkey?

To hold down or release a key: Enclose in braces the name of the key followed by the word Down or Up. For example: Send {b down}{b up} Send {TAB down}{TAB up} Send {Up down} ; Press down the up-arrow key.

Where is Windows H header file?

Check it out under Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Includem\Windows. h .

How secure is AutoHotkey?

Compiling AHK Files Offers Minimal Security If you do embed critical data in an AutoHotkey script, compiling it into an EXE file will fool most people, but don’t deceive yourself into thinking you have actually encrypted the data.

Why Windows H is used in C?

h is a Windows-specific header file for the C and C++ programming languages which contains declarations for all of the functions in the Windows API, all the common macros used by Windows programmers, and all the data types used by the various functions and subsystems. Some headers are not associated with a .

What does string h do in C?

h is the header file required for string functions. This function appends not more than n characters from the string pointed to by src to the end of the string pointed to by dest plus a terminating Null-character.