What is smog What are sources of smog?

Photochemical smog is produced when sunlight reacts with nitrogen oxides and at least one volatile organic compound (VOC) in the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxides come from car exhaust, coal power plants, and factory emissions. When sunlight hits these chemicals, they form airborne particles and ground-level ozone—or smog.

What is urban smog?

Smog is a serious problem in most big urban areas. The emissions from vehicles and industries, as well as the combustion of wood and coal together with the buildup of certain weather conditions, are the main causal agents of smog. The terminology refers to a mixture of liquid and solid fog and smoke particles.

Which energy source causes pollution?

Coal produces more pollution than any other energy source. While coal produces just 44% of U.S. electricity, it accounts for 80% of power plant carbon emissions.

What is the main source of smog?

The main sources of these precursors are pollutants released directly into the air by gasoline and diesel-run vehicles, industrial plants and activities, and heating due to human activities. Smog is often caused by heavy traffic, high temperatures, sunshine, and calm winds.

Which of the following pollutant are responsible for the cause of smog?

2. Which of the following pollutants are responsible for the cause of SMOG? Answer: (c) Both incinerators and emissions from vehicles.

Why is photochemical smog more apparent in urban areas?

Photochemical smog forms from a complex process, however the source of it is quite apparent. Due to the direct production of it by vehicles, the smog forms over cities where many people may encounter its adverse health effects.

What are the effects of industrial smog?

Those who don’t die during a smog event may develop a number of short- or long-term health effects, including inflammation of the lungs and permanent lung damage, reduced oxygen in the lungs due to a elevated levels of carbon monoxide and an increased risk of cancer. Children may become more susceptible to disease.

What is smog causes and effects?

Smog refers to a noxious mixture of gases and particles that often appears as a haze in the air. It has been linked to a number of adverse effects on health and the environment. The two primary pollutants in smog are ground-level ozone ( O3 ) and particulate matter ( PM ).

Which energy source causes the least pollution?

Nuclear energy has one of the lowest environmental impacts of all energy sources, comparable with the total impacts of wind and solar. It doesn’t emit air pollution, it safely keeps its waste out of the environment and it requires a very small amount of land.

Which pollutant is responsible for smog?

Smog formation in general relies on both primary and secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants are emitted directly from a source, such as emissions of sulfur dioxide from coal combustion. Secondary pollutants, such as ozone, are formed when primary pollutants undergo chemical reactions in the atmosphere.

How does industrial smog affect the environment?

Environmental Impacts Smog affects much more than just human lives; it also has a large impact on the surrounding physical environment. Ozone and PM in particular cause damaging effects: Ozone can damage plant cells and inhibit their growth, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that they take in during photosynthesis.

What are the natural causes of smog pollution?

Smog can as well occur due to natural causes like a volcanic eruption and some specific plant life effects. Volcanic eruption discharges high concentrations of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter in the air, the two primary constituents for smog formation.

Where did the term smog come from and why?

The term “smog” was first used around 1950 to describe the combination of smoke and fog in London. Today, it refers to a mixture of pollutants made up mostly of ground level ozone. Air pollution emitted from transportation contributes to smog, and to poor air quality, which has negative impacts on the health and welfare of U.S. citizens.

What are the characteristics of urban air pollution?

High concentrations of ozone and free radicals in the atmosphere lead to a high potential for the oxidation of primary pollutants (SO 2 and NO x) to secondary pollutants (sulfate [SO 4–2] and nitrate [NO 3– ]). The increased concentration of secondary pollutants is probably the major reason for the increasingly serious visibility problem.

How is urbanization affecting air pollution in China?

Urbanization, Energy, and Air Pollution in China: The Challenges Ahead: Proceedings of a Symposium. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/11192.