What is SOF and NSO?

About NSO (National Science Olympiad) The National Science Olympiad (NSO) is a science competition for students of class 1 to class 12. It is conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) with the aim of identifying and nurturing future scientists, technologists and IT talent at school level.

What is the last date of registration of SOF 2021?

Olympiad Exams: Important Dates

Name of the Olympiad Eligibility Exam Date
IMO Class 1 to 12 November 23, December 9 & December 16, 2021
IEO Class 1 to 12 October 28, November 9 & November 18, 2021
IGKO Class 1 to 10 October 21 & November 11 2021
NSTSE Class 2 to 12 January 22 & 30, 2021

Are SOF Olympiads tough?

The idea behind SOF Olympiads is to improve students’ logical reasoning, analytical and problem-solving skills. Since millions of students of class 1-12 from nearly 50000+ schools across 48 countries participate in these Olympiads, the competition is very tough.

Is Class 12 A SOF?

Class 12 | Science Olympiad Foundation.

What is SOF isso?

Organisation : Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) Contest Name : ISSO 2021-22 International Social Studies Olympiad. Applicable For : Students of classes 3 to 10. Last Date : 30 days before the chosen date of exam date.

What is set in SOF?

Answer: Set A and Set B in SOF Olympiad is just question paper you know which we solve during the exam.

What is SOF registration?

SOF will register the applicant school and the students. As per the Students’ Registration Sheet (SRS) received from the School, SOF will generate roll numbers for all students. Foundation will register the applicant school and the students and dispatch question papers and guidelines for conducting the examination.

What is the full form of SOF Olympiad?

Home ยป About Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) SOF is an Educational Organization popularizing academic competition and assisting development of competitive spirit among school children.

What is NCO in Olympiad?

The National Cyber Olympiad (NCO) is a competitive exam. It is conducted as a single- level exam. The main purpose of this exam is to test the cyber concepts and knowledge of students from Grade 1 to 12. The National Cyber Olympiad is conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF).