What is submucosal resection of nasal septum?

A submucosal resection is a surgical procedure that rectifies a nasal septum that has been deviated. The operation is performed to eliminate unnecessary tissue from the nose’s filters, also called enlarged turbinates.

What is the difference between septoplasty and submucous resection?

Indications for Septoplasty and/or SMR: A septoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum whereas a submucous resection (SMR) of the turbinates is a surgical procedure to remove excess tissue from enlarged turbinates (filters of the nose).

What is SMR operation?

Laser submucosal resection (SMR) surgery is a procedure to shrink the blood vessels in the turbinates so that air in the nasal passages can flow freely. During the surgery, a fiberoptic wire attached to a laser is passed underneath the lining of the turbinate.

What is submucous resection of turbinates?

Definition. A submucosal resection of the turbinate is removal of bone from the lower turbinates. The turbinates are 3 sets of structures that line the inside wall of the nasal cavity. They are made of small bones that are surrounded by soft tissue. These turbinates filter, moisten, and heat air as it enters the nose.

Is septum removed in septoplasty?

During septoplasty, your nasal septum is repositioned to the middle of your nose. This may require your surgeon to cut and remove parts of your nasal septum before reinserting them in the proper position. Once a septoplasty is healed, you’ll likely find it’s easier to breathe.

Which one is better septoplasty or SMR?

Conclusion: This study concluded that septoplasty is better than submucous resection (SMR) in terms of complication rate in the deviated nasal septum.

What is freers incision?

Through the transfixion incision, using a Freer elevator in a sweeping motion, the mucoperichondrium is dissected off the entire septal cartilage and septal bone. This is typically performed on one side only in order to preserve blood supply to the septum.

Does cartilage grow back after septoplasty?

Cartilage and other nasal tissues can take up to a year to fully settle into their new shape. Most people experience no ongoing symptoms after the surgery. In some cases, however, the cartilage and nasal tissues continue to shift over time and eventually block airflow through the nose again.

How is a septoplasty different from a submucosal resection?

According to some sources, septoplasty differs from submucosal resection in that during an SMR large portions of tissue are removed while a septoplasty is a “tissue sparing” procedure. However, both surgeries are used to correct a deviated septum and are quite similar.

When to have a submucosal resection of the nose?

A submucosal resection of the nose may also be done if you are having nasal sinus surgery and your deviated septum is making it difficult for your doctor to access other parts of your nose or sinuses. Sometimes a submucosal resection is done as part of a cleft palate repair.

How long has submucous resection been in use?

The operation known as submucous resection of the nasal septum has been in general use for about eight years. During that time, it has become an important part of the rhinologist’s work, and it seems almost gratuitous to offer any additional words on its indications and contra-indications.

What kind of surgery is done for a deviated septum?

John Carew, MD, is board-certified in otolaryngology and is an adjunct assistant professor at New York University Medical Center. Submucosal resection (SMR) of the nose is a surgical procedure used to treat a deviated septum. This procedure is also called a septoplasty.