What is the Chinese zodiac for January 1983?

Water Dog
Recent years of the Dog include 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, and 2030… A Dog year occurs every 12 years….Chinese Zodiac Years of the Dog.

Dog Years When Type of Dog
1982 January 25, 1982 – February 12, 1983 Water Dog
1994 February 10, 1994 – January 30, 1995 Wood Dog

What is the Chinese element for 1983?

Water Pig
The Years of the Pig

Start date End date Heavenly Branch
13 February 1983 1 February 1984 Water Pig
31 January 1995 18 February 1996 Wood Pig
18 February 2007 6 February 2008 Fire Pig
5 February 2019 24 January 2020 Earth Pig

What is the Japanese zodiac for 1983?

Boar (inoshishi) Born 2007, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935, 1923, 1911. People born in the year of the Boar are brave.

Who was born in the year of 1983?

Lucky Zodiac Charms. People born in the year of 1983 (Feb. 13, 1983 – Feb. 01, 1984) are members of the Water Pig. For those born before Feb. 13, 1983, they belong to the zodiac animal of Water Dog.

What kind of person is a 1983 Chinese zodiac pig?

People with 1983 Chinese zodiac Pig are a gentle, modest and blunt person, and they cannot tolerate others to beat around the bush. They are very persistent and can make unremitting efforts towards their goals. Although they lack some talents, they are willing to insist in order to succeed and can succeed via hard working.

Is the year 1983 the year of the pig?

Chinese Zodiac App According to Chinese zodiac, 1983 is the year of the Pig, and on the basis of Chinese Five Elements, the year of 1983 belongs to Water. So the people born in 1983 is the Water Pig.