What is the correct position for breastfeeding?

Aim your nipple to the roof of their mouth. When they attach, your nipple and most of the areola (the area around your nipple) should be deep in your baby’s mouth. When your baby is attached properly, their chin will be pressed into your breast. Your baby’s nose should be clear for easy breathing.

What is the best way to breastfeed a newborn?

Cradle Position

  1. To nurse your baby while cradling or holding him across your lap, he should be lying on his side, resting on his shoulder and hip with his mouth level with your nipple.
  2. Use pillows to lift your baby and support your elbows to bring your baby up to nipple height, especially during the first few weeks.

Do and don’ts of breastfeeding?


  • Don’t give up on breastfeeding your newborn no matter how hard you find it.
  • Do not ignore your pain if you are experiencing sore nipples.
  • Don’t eat any painkillers or medicine unless your doctor prescribes it.
  • Don’t start breastfeeding when you are feeling angry or depressed.

How long should you breastfeed on each side?

A newborn should be put to the breast at least every 2 to 3 hours and nurse for 10 to 15 minutes on each side. An average of 20 to 30 minutes per feeding helps to ensure that the baby is getting enough breast milk. It also allows enough time to stimulate your body to build up your milk supply.

Should I squeeze my breast while breastfeeding?

Breast compressions manually stimulate the milk ejection reflex, and can help your baby to get more milk out of the breast during a feed. They can also increase the speed of the milk flow to keep your baby awake at the breast.

Do you time breastfeeding from start or finish?

For the first few weeks of life, I usually recommend that Mom wake the baby to breastfeed at least every two to three hours, measured from the start of one feeding to the start of the next, during the day and evening hours. It’s okay to let the baby take one longer stretch of sleep at night if she is able to do that.

Should I wash my breasts after every feed?

Keep Your Nipples Clean While you don’t need to thoroughly clean your nipples after each and every feeding, it’s a good idea to at least give them a rinse a few times throughout the day. This helps to remove any traces of saliva and gives you a chance to add some unscented, baby-approved moisturizer.